5 Things God Will Do When He’s Preparing You to Break Out of Your Relationship Rut

2 Timothy 2:15

When I refer to this term, “relationship rut,” I’m talking about a negative pattern in your life when it comes to relationships. Perhaps you have not been on a date in over a decade. Perhaps you have been on a date a month for the past decade with someone new but nothing ever happens. Perhaps you keep getting sucked into long-term relationships that always end the same way – in heartache.

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3 Signs God Is Disciplining You Now So He Can Bless You Later

Hebrews 12:11-13

Put simply, according to Hebrews 12:7-8, if you are a true Christian – then yes, God is disciplining you because he disciplines all true Christians. But there are seasons in life where God is specifically disciplining us in a more intense way and in a particular area of our life to accomplish a specific purpose.

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4 Reasons God Is Letting You Be So Confused About a Past Relationship

Romans 12:11-12

“What happened? Why did God let us break up? Why did God let me think this person was the one? Did I do something wrong that made this relationship fail? What was the real reason that person did not want to continue? Why is God letting me so confused about this past relationship?”

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