Here are 4 weird things God often uses to help a man identify his future wife.
4 Biblical Differences Between How Men and Women Hurt Each Other
When you get into a relationship, things often go wrong because we think that our partner is just like us. But in fact, many times we are offended by different things than one another. And when it comes to men and women, there are some common differences we should all be aware of if we hope to have a healthy relationship with someone.
How to Meet Your Husband According to the Bible
Here are 7 biblical ways a Christian single woman can meet her future husband.
3 Ways a Deep Thinker Pursues a Woman
If you are a Christian single woman, one of the most confusing types of guys is the “deep thinker.”
5 Things God Will Tell Your Future Husband So He Knows You’re His Future Wife
How will God lead your future husband to pursue you?
5 Biblical Signs that Mean She’s Playing You
When I’m using the phrase “she’s playing you” in this article, I’m referring to a woman who is using you in a selfish way without you realizing it.
4 Signs God Has Called a Man to a Life of Singleness
Here are 4 signs that usually mean God has called a man to life of singleness.
5 Ways to Pick a Great Dad for Your Future Kids!
If you are a Christian single woman who wants to get married and have a family one day, you obviously want to marry a man who will be a great dad to your future children. But how can you make sure you do this when you are dating and assessing a man for marriage?
4 Biblical Markers that Mean a Woman Will Be a Curse Rather than a Blessing to You
Here are 4 biblical markers that mean a woman will be a curse to you rather than a blessing.