How Does God Speak to Us Through Our Circumstances?

how to know Gods will for your life
Matthew 10:11-14

God speaks to us in at least three primary ways: Through his word, through the Holy Spirit, and through our life circumstances.  Most Christians know at least a little about hearing the voice of God by studying the Bible and by listening to the Holy Spirit in prayer. The circumstances of our lives, however, is often a way God speaks that many Christians do not know as much about.

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Are You Single Because You Don’t Love God Enough?

why am i single Christian
1 Corinthians 7:7

If you’ve ever asked for dating advice on how to find a spouse from well-intentioned Christians and pastors, there’s a high probability you’ve received some version of this common Christian dating advice, “If you really want to be married, you have to put God first. If you truly love God, he will take care of the rest.”

So are you actually single because you don’t love God enough? If you loved God more, would you be married by now? Is your love for God actually the root reason for your prolonged season of unwanted singleness?

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Can You Miss the Will of God for Your Life?

can you miss the will of God for your life_
Proverbs 3:5-6

Can you miss the will of God for your life? This is an age-old question that people will never stop asking. It can also be simple or complicated to answer depending on what angle you decide to take.

In this article I will try to give a balanced answer to the theology of this question while also addressing the practical side of “missing God’s will” and how that might look in real life.

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Christian Relationship Advice: When You Want Divine Intervention (4 Tips from John 2:1-12)

God help spouse
John 2:1-12

When you are a Christian and you are having relationship issues, you want nothing more than for Jesus to intervene. Whether you are struggling in your dating relationship or marriage, whether you are in a season of unwanted singleness, or whether you are just utterly confused on what you are supposed to do with the desires you have for a Christian relationship, you need Jesus to intervene.

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Christian Advice on How to Choose a Career (6 Tips)

Christian advice how to choose a career
Proverbs 13:11

How will God tell a Christian what career to choose? What does the Bible say about choosing a career?

Choosing a career can be a confusing task. As Christians we obviously always want to do what God wants us to do. The tricky part is knowing what God’s will is for us, including when it comes to our careers.

Here are 6 Christian pieces of advice on how to choose a career.

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