Throughout Jesus’ time on earth, he promised that his people will, without question, experience much pain, turmoil, and persecution on this earth. What is often overlooked is that he also promised that the prize for enduring these things for the sake of Christ will be far greater than the pain. Mark 10:28-30 explains:
Spiritual Growth
3 Ways Humility Produces Holiness
Holiness and humility go hand in hand. The Christian cannot have one without the other. All true Christians desire to be holy, which can only be given through the grace of Jesus Christ, but it seems some have a greater holiness playing out in their lives than others. Humility is always the underlying determining factor for who is walking in holiness and who simply desires to but is left struggling to do so. For as 1 Peter 1:14-16 explains:
“As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”
If we want to be holy, it starts with being like a child. Here are three biblical reasons why holiness without humility is impossible.
Pain Points to the Absence of God
There is a giant hole in the universe that can be felt no matter where you turn. Every song you here, every show you watch, and every novel you read has some echo of this hole reverberating through its content.
The Danger of “Lukewarm Christianity”
Perhaps the most dangerous type of sin is the kind which we think does not need to be atoned for. The worst place to be is the place where we think things are “not that bad.”
The Danger of “I Wish” Statements
“I wish it wasn’t raining.” “I wish I had a better job.” “I wish I didn’t sin in that way.” “I wish God would just listen to me on this one.”
The “I wish” statements that flow out of our mouths seem so innocent, but out of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45).
Christianity Is a Pursuit, Not an Abstention
Put simply, we will never find God and live free by just avoiding evil but rather through pursuing Christ.
What Should You Do When You Don’t Feel Like Worshipping God?
All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.-2 Corinthians 4:15
Let’s be honest. As Christians, sometimes we just don’t feel like worshipping God. It’s tempting to give some comforting words like, “And that’s okay.” But frankly it’s not okay. Throughout the Bible, we are told to glorify and worship God all the time (1 Corinthians 10:31, Colossians 3:17).
So when we don’t feel like worshipping God, this is a huge problem for us. But what can be done? The answer: dwell on the gospel, meaning the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
8 Awesome Christian Books You Probably Have Not Read
Looking for a great Christian book that engages your mind and heart? There are so many options now days. Too many really. You’ve probably read many of the Christian classics: Mere Christianity, Pilgrim’s Progress, Basic Christianity, Knowing God, and the list could go on for miles.
My hope in this post is to expose you to some awesome Christian books that engage your mind and heart but that you’ve probably never read.
24 Signs Your Church Is Super Healthy
(This article was also published on
Recent statistics show that every year in the US, 4000 churches close their doors while only 1000 new churches are planted. Among existing churches, half did not add any new members to their ranks in the last two years. From 1990 to 2000, the combined membership of all Protestant denominations dropped by almost 5 million members, while the US population rose by 24 million.1
These are alarming statistics!
Each church that shuts down represents real people who have lost their church family. So if you are someone looking for a new church, someone wondering if their church is built to last, or someone who would love to help their church improve, here are 24 signs of a super healthy church.
The Price of Spiritual Power
There is a teaching in our day that rebels against the “health, wealth, and prosperity” gospel. The prosperity gospel, in short, says if you pray to Jesus he will bless you materially beyond your wildest dreams. The emphasis is on power, blessings, and avoidance of suffering.