Redeemed Like David: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation (Paperback)

Click here to purchase Redeemed Like David: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation .

Official Book Description: Do you desire to overcome all forms of sexual temptation? Do you value the power of God’s Word? Redeemed Like David offers a Christ-centered blueprint for overcoming all forms of sexual sin.

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Should You Make Promises to God?

promises to God
2 Corinthians 1:20

Should you make promises to God? It’s tempting to make a promise to God after you sin in some terrible way, “God, I promise I will never do that again if your forgive me.” Or when you want something desperately, it’s easy to say something like, “God, I promise I will serve you my whole life if you do this one thing for me.”

To cut right to the answer for the question, “Should you make promises to God?” the answer is “No.” Christianity is not about making promises to God. Christianity is about relying on the promises of God.

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Intertwined (2 Free Sample Chapters)

Read two free sample chapters from my newest book, Intertwined: Our Happiness Is Tied to God’s Glory (Two Free Sample Chapters PDF)

Intertwined by Mark Ballenger
Click the book cover to read two free sample chapters.

As children we imagined we would find the perfect spouse, the perfect job, buy the perfect house, go on perfect adventures, and well . . . have the perfect life. Somewhere along the way, however, we quickly realized we will experience many things on this earth, but perfection is certainly not one of them.

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What Should You Do When You Feel Defeated?

feel defeated bible christian

What is the most important thing you can tell a Christian who feels defeated? Although “we have the victory in Christ,” many times throughout our journeys we will feel defeated. Whether it’s because we are dealing with repetitive sin, spiritual warfare, hormonal imbalance, a relational conflict, or even a if you are dealing with physical pain, the most important thing to remember when you feel defeated is that you must never give up.   

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5 Questions to Find the Root of the Problem

How to find the root of the problem
Ephesians 5:15

When we look at other people’s lives, it’s usually pretty easy to see root of their problems. Your friend can’t commit even though she keeps meeting potentially great partners, and she just can’t figure out why. You know her dad left her when she was young, so it seems obvious to you that her commitment issue is probably a defense mechanism to protect herself from not getting abandoned again. Why can’t she see this?

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How to Get Through Pain as a Christian

John 16:20-22
John 16:20-22

Throughout Jesus’ time on earth, he promised that his people will, without question, experience much pain, turmoil, and persecution on this earth. What is often overlooked is that he also promised that the prize for enduring these things for the sake of Christ will be far greater than the pain. Mark 10:28-30 explains:

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Defeating the Enemy Through Prayer

Defeating the Enemy through prayerMy three year old son has an adversary. She’s redheaded, immature, easily excitable, really fun, slobbery, and super annoying when she wants to play. His adversary also happens to be our golden retriever, Lois.

In typical first born fashion, my son wants to be in charge, and Lois is an easy target. “Lois, get off my toys! Lois, stop hitting me with your tail! Lois, stop barking! Lois, stop breathing on me!” The funny thing is Lois doesn’t pay attention to him at all. She just keeps doing what she’s doing as though he isn’t shouting at the top of his lungs right in her unimpressed face.

It’s not that she doesn’t understand him; I think she finds pleasure in doing the opposite of what he says. When he yells “Move!” she stares past him, just wagging her tail like she’s enjoying herself at the beach. Or if he screams, “Stay!” she suddenly has the urge to slowly mosey somewhere else with that dull, blank, drooping jowls, older dog look . . . “Yeah, right kid.”

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