Sometimes Satan gains a foothold into our lives when we believe the statement, “It’s not that simple.” Sometimes it really is that simple. Sometimes the situation appears complicated, but it’s actually not.
Spiritual Warfare
3 Signs Satan Is Preventing You from Hearing the Voice of God
Are you trying to hear the voice of God, but for some reason you just can’t? Do you want God to answer your question about a relationship, but for some reason he just isn’t? Or maybe you feel distant from the Lord and no matter what you try, it feels like there is a spiritual wall blocking you from God’s leading.
4 Signs God Is About Deliver You from Demonic Influence
Here are 4 signs God is about to deliver you from demonic influence.
5 Things Satan Will Use to Conceal “Your Person”
Since we know godly relationships glorify the Lord, we also know that Satan hates godly relationships; thus, he will seek to keep you away from “your person.”
3 Signs God Is Saying, “It’s Time to Let Go of Those Regrets”
When someone says, “I don’t have any regrets in life,” this is usually not a healthy sign. If we don’t have regrets because we are too prideful to admit that we’ve done anything wrong, this is simply sinful, delusional thinking (Ephesians 2:3).
5 Things You Will See When Someone Is Sent By Satan
God is ultimately sovereign over Satan. So even if Satan does send someone into your life, we need not fear since God is with us.
5 Things that Will Happen in Your Life When Satan Is Attacking You
Was that just a random bad day or was that a spiritual attack? Is that person just not into you or is Satan blocking you two from being together? Do you feel this way because of a biological reason or because of a spiritual reason?
5 Hidden Signs Someone Is Toxic and Being Used By Satan
Satan is real. But he’s not going to appear with a pitchfork and devilish grin on his face. Rather, Satan knows the value of secrecy, subtly, and slow attacks that occur in such a way you don’t even notice them.
3 Signs Satan Tricked You to Believe God Wants You Single
Here are 3 signs that Satan has tricked you into wrongly believing you possess the gift of singleness from God when in fact you really do not.
4 Spiritual Barriers Blocking God Giving You the Love of Your Life
Here are 4 spiritual barriers than can block you from having a good relationship that glorifies God.