Some churches are doing a great job in loving Christians singles who desire marriage. Some pastors and congregants offer biblical advice that validates this biblical desire for a relationship and helps support the Christian single person navigating singleness.
The Church
Don’t Quench The Spirit! 7 Things a Christian Should NEVER Participate In!
Do you know what it means to “quench the Spirit”? And do you know how to avoid doing this very dangerous thing?
5 Cultural Lies Satan Is Using to Corrupt the Church
Here are 5 ways Satan is using culture to attack the church.
According to the Bible, How Are You Actually Married in God’s Eyes? Sex? Ceremony? License?
Over the years, I’ve often been presented with the question, “I had sex with someone, so are we now married in God’s eyes?” Similarly, I’ve also been asked, “Aren’t marriage ceremonies and marriage certificates simply man-made ideas? Can’t two people just commit themselves before God and be married in God’s eyes?”
3 Ways to See a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing According to the Bible
Here are 3 biblical ways to avoid being deceived by a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
5 Things a Narcissist Will Do When They Are Losing Control Over You
Here are 5 things a narcissist will do when they are losing control over you.
A Warning About Some “Christian” YouTubers & Pastors
How can you avoid being misled by an unhealthy YouTuber, pastor, or leader? Here are 7 things to watch out for.
7 Things That Can Tell You a Lot About a Person
In this article, I will highlight 7 specific things to look at that can tell you a lot about a person.
4 Signs God Is Telling You to Remove a Family Member from Your Life
Here are 4 signs that God could use to let you know that he wants you to remove a family member from your life.