How Should a Christian Guy Ask a Girl Out?

How should a Christian guy ask a girl out? Should he talk to her father? Should he talk to her mother? Does a Christian guy need to talk to the pastor before asking a girl out? Should a Christian guy ask a girl out only when he is prepared to tell her he wants to marry her? Or should a Christian guy take a more relaxed approach and just have some fun and just see where things lead or don’t lead?
In this article I will give Christian guys 4 tips on how they can approach this question about asking a girl out.
6 Sacrifices You Can Make in Singleness that Will Really Pay Off One Day in Marriage
How Long Should a Christian Girl Wait for a Guy to Ask Her Out?
Love Is More Than a Sacrificial Choice
3 Steps to Take When You Like Someone

If you are a Christian single girl or guy, what should you do when you like someone? What are some good Christian dating tips when you just start having feelings for someone but nothing more has happened? Should you immediately tell this person that you like him or her? Should you just wait and pray for God to reveal his plan while you do nothing?
13 Phrases Cult Leaders Love to Use
Can Sexual Purity Be an Idol?

There’s an assault on the church’s sexual purity. We are surrounded on all sides by a culture that glorifies external beauty, quick pleasure, and porn. So it’s no surprise to see the satanic claws of sexual immorality trying to squeeze the life out of Christians. Affairs, premarital sex, and the deadly glow of a smart phone late at night in the hands of a young boy with no accountability – these are the glaring sexual idols of our day.
But idolatry loves to swing from one extreme to the other.
Can You Miss the Will of God for Your Life?

Can you miss the will of God for your life? This is an age-old question that people will never stop asking. It can also be simple or complicated to answer depending on what angle you decide to take.
In this article I will try to give a balanced answer to the theology of this question while also addressing the practical side of “missing God’s will” and how that might look in real life.
Christian Relationship Advice: When You Want Divine Intervention (4 Tips from John 2:1-12)

When you are a Christian and you are having relationship issues, you want nothing more than for Jesus to intervene. Whether you are struggling in your dating relationship or marriage, whether you are in a season of unwanted singleness, or whether you are just utterly confused on what you are supposed to do with the desires you have for a Christian relationship, you need Jesus to intervene.