When you meet that person God has for you, the relationship will last. However, a lasting relationship isn’t just about finding the right person. This relationship won’t last just because of sheer luck and compatibility.
Rather, in the Scriptures, God has shown us clear qualities that always correspond to lasting relationships. Therefore, here are 4 things you will see when God is giving you a relationship that will last.
1. If You’ve Met Someone Who Has Been Matured Through Mistakes in Relationships Like You Have, This Is Often a Sign God Is Going to Give You a Relationship that Will Last with This Person
What the enemy means for evil, God can use for our good (Genesis 50:20). Ideally, God wants us to learn relationship lessons through studying his word and applying it to our lives. So often, however, we choose the hard path. The hard path includes learning through mistakes:
- God says don’t be unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14); if you ignore this counsel, you will learn this truth through the pain that will ensue because of being unequally yoked.
- God says not to awaken love until it so desires (Song of Solomon 8:4); if you ignore this counsel, you will learn this truth through the pain that will ensue because you did awaken love too soon.
- God says to live in the light (1 John 1:5-7); if you ignore this counsel, you will learn this truth through the painful consequences of secretive sins.
God’s grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9). He is patient with us, not wanting any of us to perish but for all of us to repent and live (2 Peter 3:9). If you are someone who has been matured by God through the mistakes you’ve made in past relationships, you will be careful in the future to only pair up with someone who is also mature.
Thus, if you meet someone who has a similar past as you and who also now wants to have a better future with you, this is a good sign God may be leading you two into a relationship that will last.
2. If You’re Beginning to Connect with Someone Who Is Also in the Right Season to Pursue Marriage, This Is a Good Sign God May Be Giving You a Relationship that Will Last
Sometimes you will be in the right season to pursue a lasting relationship but you will not have met the right person yet. At other times you will have met the right person already but it will not be the right time for you two to enter into a lasting relationship.
Therefore, when you’ve met the right person and it’s the right time, this is a great sign God is actually about to give you a relationship that will last. As Psalm 31:15 states, “My times are in your hand . . . .”
3. If You and This Person Are Humble Enough to Obey the Bible Even When You Don’t Want to, This Is a Great Sign You Two Will Have a Relationship that Will Last
When you first meet someone and you start falling in love, it feels impossible to ever be mad at them. However, over time, you two get used to each other. The infatuation wears off. It’s at this time you will discover if you two will last or not.
Those who last have the humility to obey the Bible even when they don’t feel like it (Psalm 15:4). They will forgive and choose to keep loving someone even when their flaws manifest (Ephesians 4:32). It’s not easy to love. You won’t always feel like it. But if you want a relationship that will last, you and this person must rise above your feelings and obey anyways.
You will then experience an amazing truth: Your feelings will follow your choices. People who only make choices based upon how they feel will never experience a relationship that will last because you will never always feel like loving someone. Hard things happen. Feelings get hurt. But when you commit and love someone, this gives your feelings time to change again as you love them in word and deed.
Of course, sometimes a relationship shouldn’t continue. I’m not saying you should choose to stay with someone who is continuing to wrong you. Rather, the point here is that even when you meet the right person, you will not always feel like doing the right thing. If you two can do the right thing even when you don’t feel like it, your relationship will last.
4. If You Two Are Forming a Bond with Each Other that Is Rooted in Christ, This Is the Best Evidence that Your Relationship Will Last
The foundation is always the key to anything that will stand the test of time. Therefore, to know if a relationship will last, you have to examine its roots, its beginnings, and its reason for staying together. If you are staying together for human reasons, those reasons will eventually crumble under the mounting weight each passing year brings.
However, if your reason for being together is rooted in God, he will be the foundation that will always stand no matter what occurs in life (Matthew 7:24-27). While you and this person will change, because all humans change over time, God will never change. He will change you both together through maturing you in his love.
Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Thus, Jesus Christ alone is the foundation that can cause you to experience a relationship that will last.