5 Things that Happen When God Chooses a Woman for You

Matthew 6:33

If you are a Christian man, here are 5 things that often happen when God chooses a woman to become your future wife one day.

And if you haven’t heard, AGW University is now open for new students. This is where I offer more in-depth relationship training that goes beyond what is possible in the short articles and videos I make. The scholarship, bonus access to my books, and email coaching are only available for those who enroll before the spots are filled and before the August 30th deadline.

For more information about this unique opportunity for those of you who want to glorify the Lord in marriage one day, click here to visit AGW University.

1. When God Chooses a Woman for You, You Won’t Be Disappointed

Have you ever asked, “But what if I don’t like the woman God wants me to marry? What if I’m not attracted to her? What if I would rather be with a different woman?”

Thankfully, when God produces his will in our personal lives, he always aligns our free will to his plan too. According to Scripture, marriage is not a requirement for all Christians. Rather, it is simply reserved for those of us who want to be married (1 Corinthians 7:36). Thus, it would be biblically inconsistent for God to command you to marry someone you were not happy to marry. He’s not going to do this.

Thus, if you don’t want to be with a certain woman, God doesn’t want you to be with her either.  Rather, one way you will be able to identify the woman God has chosen for you will be through your personal desire for this woman. You will want to be with the woman God wants you to be with.

2. When God Chooses a Woman for You, This Woman Will Want You to Pursue Her

We can’t really know God’s personal will for our lives until it starts unfolding right before our eyes. When God wills something to happen in the sovereign sense, it always happens (Isaiah 55:10-11).

God’s sovereign will does not negate our free will. How does all this work together? I don’t know. I just know that the Bible states in numerous places that God has a sovereign plan for each of our lives and we have personal responsibility (Philippians 2:12-13).

Therefore, when God really chooses a woman for you, she will also make the personal choice to want to be with you. In other words, when you pursue her, she will like it.

3. God’s Choice for You Will Be Marked By Biblical Confirmation and Not Just Your Own Passion

If you are really physically attracted to a Christian woman, there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, physical attraction was created by God. You should be attracted to the woman God wants you to marry one day. Thus, physical attraction is never the issue. Rather, it’s how a man handles his passions that determine if sin is occurring.

All that to say, when you choose a woman for yourself, your lust will be running the show (Proverbs 6:25). But when God chooses a woman for you, you will want this woman because you know she is godly. Yes, you will be attracted to her. But you will also know you are valuing her for the right reasons that go far beyond attraction (Proverbs 31:30, 1 Peter 3:3-6).

4. When God Chooses a Woman for You, You Will Lose Your Desire to Pursue Other Women

It’s natural to be unsure about a woman at first. I don’t think you should say no to all your relationship opportunities as you wait for a woman who isn’t showing interest in you.

Rather, the point here is that God will take you on a relationship journey with the woman he’s calling you to marry. And when that journey reaches a certain place, you will know you don’t want to be with any other woman (Proverbs 31:29).

5. When God Chooses a Woman for You, You Won’t Blow It

Again, how God’s sovereign will and our free will work together is all going to be mysterious in many ways. It’s good to try to understand as much as you can about this subject; but what is more important is that your response to these truths are biblical.

When some people hear about the sovereignty of God, they get worried that their choices don’t matter. When other people hear about man’s responsibility, they get worried that they will mess up God’s will for themselves.

When you apply Scripture properly, however, worry will evaporate (Matthew 6:32-34). When viewing the Bible accurately, knowing that God has a sovereign plan will give you the boldness to live your life in freedom (Philippians 2:12-13).

If you are seeking to honor the Lord, he will take care of the rest and he will produce the results he wants. This is true when comes to you marrying the right woman as well.

As you can see, these relationship questions can be very deep. That’s why I created AGW University. I made these courses for people who want in-depth theological explanations about relationships but who also want practical wisdom on how to best interact with the opposite sex.

By clicking here, you can check out all the course content and current scholarship opportunities before deciding to enroll. And even if you enroll but you’re not 100% satisfied with your experience, I offer a 14-day money back guarantee, no questions asked.

Spots are limited and the deadline to enroll is August 30th.

So if you are a Christian single person who wants to glorify the Lord in a relationship one day, I encourage you check out AGW University.