By focusing on women in this article, I’m not saying some of these points don’t apply to men. I’m simply trying to stay focused on women in this article even if there would be some overlap in some areas with men.
With that said, here are 4 biblical things that make a woman look beautiful to a man.
Also, for those of you who are interested in my relationship training courses, there are only two more days to enroll. To learn more about this unique opportunity, the bonus email coaching with me, and the scholarship, click here before the August 23rd deadline at 11:59pm.
1. A Feminine Appearance and Attitude Paired with Noble Character Makes a Woman Look Beautiful to a Godly Man
God made the masculine to be attracted to feminine. Just like how humans desire things like good food, picturesque scenery, and to be warm, masculine men want a feminine woman because it’s how God designed it.
So how can a woman appear feminine to a man? It’s really about her external appearance and her attitude. I’m not saying she has to wear a dress everywhere. But a man does want to be with a woman who looks different than a man. Femininity comes in many forms. A man, however, just needs to see something feminine rather than masculine when he sees her to find her beautiful.
Additionally, I’m not saying she can’t be tough and a straight shooter in her attitude. However, a man does want to be with a woman who acts differently than a dude. Again, there is not a strict manner that a woman needs to follow in order to be feminine. The main key is to be something different than masculine.
However, the feminine external appearance and the feminine attitude of a woman can never blind a godly man for long if she lacks poor character. Character goes much deeper than your appearance or attitude. Character is about your values and morals. It doesn’t matter how physically attracted a Christian man is to a woman or how charming her personality is (Proverbs 31:30), he will not want to be with her if she lacks noble character.
Proverbs 31:10-11 (NIV) states, “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.”
2. Discretion Makes a Woman Look Beautiful to a Godly Man
Proverbs 11:22 states, “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.” The word discretion means “the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information.”
A man is attracted to the type of woman that he can take anywhere. He can take her to his work party, he can take out with his friends, and he can take her home to meet his parents. Discretion is what makes this type of woman.
Another way to say this is that she’s wise. Knowledge is knowing information. Wisdom is the ability to apply information. If a woman is offensive, gossips, or simply can’t be trusted to act honorably no matter what happens, a godly man will lose attraction for her.
3. Joyfully Dressing in a Modest Way that Honors Whoever Gets the Privilege of Marrying Her One Day Makes a Woman Look Beautiful to a Godly Man
As you’ve probably heard, men are visually wired. Usually people think this means that men are just sexually crazed creatures who chase the women who show the most skin. But when it comes to a man who seeks to honor the Lord, his visual nature will be factored in differently.
This does not mean godly men are not visually wired. They are. However, they will use their visual appetite in a holy way. Instead of looking for the woman who looks like she will be the easiest sexual target based upon how much of her clothing she has already removed for the lustful men seeking her attention, a godly man is looking for a woman who dresses like she’s looking for a husband and not a one-night stand.
Dress the part. If you are going to a job interview to be the CEO of a company, you’re not going to show up looking like a cashier. If you are applying to be a cashier, don’t show up like you just left the gym. Likewise, if you want a godly man to see you as wife material, think about what he wants in a wife.
A wife and husband’s bodies belong to each other (1 Corinthians 7:3-4). Their marriage bed is meant to be holy, meaning sex is supposed to be set apart for just the two spouses (Hebrews 13:4). If you want this one day, dress the part right now. Cover the parts of your body that only your future husband should see.
“But I’m not married! I can do whatever I want with my body!” Of course you can! If you want to sin, you have the choice to sin. I’m just saying that a godly man isn’t going to pursue you as wife material if you are projecting that you are club material for worldly men. You can’t have it both ways. Whose attention do you want? A godly man’s attention or a worldly man’s attention? Both men aren’t going to want you. Your external appearance and values will push one of these types of men away. Your choices will determine which type of guy finds you desirable.
When you treat yourself with the respect your body deserves, a godly man will be incredibly attracted to you (2 Timothy 2:9-10, 1 Peter 3:3-6)
4. A Woman Who Has Options But Chooses to Be Loyal to One Man Is Very Beautiful to that Man
Proverbs 5:18-20 states:
Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love. Why should you be intoxicated, my son, with a forbidden woman and embrace the bosom of an adulteress?”
The phrase “the wife of your youth” means this woman has been faithful to this man for a long time. A godly man is going to love the woman who’s loyal to him. There’s nothing more attractive to a man than when a woman could choose other men but she chooses him instead.
A lot more could be said about this topic, so if you’re interested in learning more from me about relationships, you may be interested in the offer I have right now at AGW University.
For everyone who enrolls before the August 23rd deadline, I’m giving you a bundle of bonus courses completely for free. One of these courses is called The Mind of a Man: How to Understand a Man and Communicate the Right Message to Him.
For more information about all the biblical relationship training courses currently being offered, the one-on-one email coaching with me, and the huge scholarship opportunity, click here to visit AGW University.