Part 3: How to Overcome Sexual Sin

how to overcome sexual sin
Psalm 51:3, “For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.”

How to Overcome Sexual Sin (Part 3)

If you choose to deny your disease, you will also ignore the Cure, Christ Jesus. Without a deep and sincere disgust for sexual sin, you will never overcome the lusts that plague you.

It’s crucial to notice that the first word in Psalm 51:3 is “For.” This word is like “because.” This means that that what was said in Psalm 51:1-2 is being said “because” of the truth found in Psalm 51:3.

David pleaded for mercy and love because of God’s loving and merciful nature. But he would never have done this action if he was not first convicted of his sin. Psalm 51:2 says, “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!” Why? Psalm 51:3 explains, “For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.” If you don’t come to grips with how evil your sexual sin really is, you will never truly cry out to God for deliverance.

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Part 2: How to Overcome Sexual Sin

How to Overcome Sexual Sin
Psalm 51:1-2

How to Overcome Sexual Sin?

If you’re anything like me, when you make a mistake, the first thing you do is try to make it right. Maybe you did this as a kid. You hurt one of your friends or younger siblings, and rather than let them get you in trouble, you offered them a deal, “Don’t tell mom. Here, punch me back, pay me back.” And then once they took their retribution, you made sure to over embellish how bad it actually hurt to ensure you would be dept free.

Psalm 51 does not start that way. If you do anything other than pray to God after you sin sexually, you are relying on something other than the power of God for your freedom. If you try and make it right by doing something good because you are seeking to make up for something you did bad, you are relying on your works rather than God’s grace.

David doesn’t make promises to God or try to cut a deal to pay for his sexual sin. Instead he turns to God in prayer.

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4 Christian Ways to Change Your Life

Christian ways to change your life
Bible Verse: John 15:5

Everyone has something in their life they want to change. Whether it’s a New Year’s resolution, an addictive sin pattern, or just an annoying habit you are finally fed up with, the Bible states that change is possible. But it’s not easy. And certain changes can only be done through the power of Jesus Christ. Therefore, here are four Christ-centered, Christian ways to change your life.

Change Your Identity Through Christ to Change Your Life

The primary Christian way to change your life is to change your identity through the grace of Jesus Christ. At the core of Christian doctrine is the idea that who you are will determine what you will do. The world opposes this idea and states that to change yourself, you just need to change your actions. But again, Christianity states that to change your actions, your identity needs to change first. Jesus explains it this ways:

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What Does the Bible Say About Taking Care of Your Body?

What does the Bible Say About Taking Care of Your Body

Bible Verses:  John 21:12-15, 1 Kings 19:4-9

Life is exhausting, especially when we are seeking to please the Lord and we have failed. Nothing wears us out like our own sin. In times of failure and exhaustion, we know we need a touch from God, but sometimes we can’t hear him. So what should we do?

While there are many spiritual answers that would be appropriate (read the word, pray, fellowship with other believers, resist the devil), the Bible often points to one aspect of our life that we frequently devalue: taking care of our bodies.

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Sin Is Progressive

sin is progressive
Bible Verses: Isaiah 26:10, 2 Timothy 3:13, Romans 1:22-28

Sin is progressive by nature. Unrepentant sin always gets worse and worse. Sin, left to its progressive nature, therefore, eventually leads to death (Romans 6:23). But God does not want this. In fact, one of the reasons God lets people get worse is because he desires for them to get better.

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What Does the Bible Say About Selfies?

What does the Bible Say About Selfies good or bad
Psalm 115:1

What does the Bible say about selfies? Nothing, of course, since the idea of taking a picture of yourself and posting it to social media was obviously a foreign concept when the Bible was written. But the Bible does talk a lot about the motivations of the heart, and what makes “selfies” good or bad depends on the inner intent.

The Bible Says Self-Exaltation Is Sin/Bad. Is Your Motive in Posting Selfies Self-Exaltation?

A “selfie”, which is taking a picture of yourself, is not bad. Why we do what we do with that picture will determine if God is pleased or displeased with our actions. Most often, selfies are rooted in self-exaltation.

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Is Solitude Good or Bad?

Is Solitude Good or Bad
Luke 3:2-3

Is solitude good or bad? Does solitude help or hurt our Christianity? Is solitude an ingredient for hearing God?

Yesterday, I was doing some cardio on the treadmill in my basement while listening to an audio format of the Bible. I was tracking pretty well with what was being read to me, but then the heater came on. I could still hear the words quite clearly, but I could also hear the heater. I only realized my mind was drifting into the worthless space of “lala land” when the heater finally clicked off. Suddenly it was much easier to simply hone in on the words being read.

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How To Be Pruned by God, Not Cut Off

God prunes branches

I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. -John 15:1-2

Try as we might, no one can avoid getting cut or pruned by God in this life. God touches everyone, and many times his touch hurts. How we respond to these trials will be the evidence of what type of wound we have received. God cuts everyone but everyone who is cut does not experience the same outcome.

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