Unwanted Singleness, Getting Unstuck, and Following God in Dating

Proverbs 3:6

Today I’m doing something a little different. I recently started chatting with one AGW subscriber and came to find out she’s also an author and blogger like me. Her content about Christian dating aligns very closely with my own and she has great real-life experience in this area, so I asked her to be interviewed and she accepted.

Below is a written interview between myself and Veronique Butterfield. Enjoy!

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How to Trust Again in a Christian Relationship After Betrayal and Heartbreak

healing betrayal Christian
Romans 3:2-4

How can you trust again after you have been betrayed, wounded, and heartbroken in the past? When you cannot trust someone in the present because you have been betrayed by someone else in the past, your current relationship will never be healthy until you deal with the betrayal that occurred.

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Christian Advice for Dating an Older or Younger Man or Woman

christian dating significant age difference
Ruth 3:10-11

Dating outside of your age range may help you meet more people and increase your chances of meeting someone you want to be in a relationship with. But is it okay to date a Christian much older or younger than you? How big of an age difference is too much? What advice is there for Christians who want to date someone or marry someone who’s older or younger?

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How to Interpret Dreams and “Prophesies” About Dating and Your Future Marriage

interpreting dreams
1 Corinthians 14:33

Lately many people have been asking about interpreting dreams from God, specifically when it comes to dreams about dating and their future marriage. Another common question that has been coming in lately is about prophesy. For example, someone “prophesied over” over a guy and told him something specific that they “saw” in his future like, “I see you surrounded by a woman and lots of children.”

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4 Dating Tips for Older Single Christians Who Want to Be Married

dating advice for older adults
Luke 1:7,4-25

Lately I have been getting a lot of questions from older Christian singles who want to be married. They have been asking about what dating advice there is for them and what changes should they make to their dating approach since they are getting a little bit older.

Here are 4 Christian dating tips for older adults who would like to be married.

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