Here are 3 common signs the Lord is helping you find mental closure on a past relationship.
4 Things That Will Happen Before God Sets You Free from Repetitive Sin
Here are 4 things that will often happen before you experience freedom from a repetitive sin in your life.
3 Signs God Is Saying, “Let Them Go”
Here are 3 signs God is telling you it’s time to let someone go and no longer cling to the hope of being in a relationship with this person.
3 Signs God Is Preparing You to Overcome Your Fear of Abandonment
Here are 3 signs God is preparing you to overcome your fear of abandonment.
4 Reasons God Is Not Letting You Move On From Someone in Your Past
Here are 4 possible reasons God is not allowing you to move on from someone in your past.
4 Signs God Is Telling You to Stop Looking Back
Here are 4 signs God is telling you to stop looking back.
How to Know When It’s Time to Open Your Heart to Someone
It’s a mistake to think in absolutes when it comes to opening your heart to someone. In other words, there are many levels between fully opening your heart to someone and completely closing your heart to someone.
4 Reasons God Let You Get Hurt in a Past Relationship
Sometimes we get hurt in relationships simply because another person sinned against us or perhaps we made a bad choice ourselves. So this article is not about blaming God. Other people’s choices and our own choices have consequences. With that said, certainly God also has larger reasons at times for why he let us experience something painful.
6 Things God Will Do If You’ve Been Mentally Abused By a Narcissist
Here are 6 things God will often do after you’ve been mentally abused by a narcissist.
4 Signs God Is Telling You to Stop Texting/Messaging with Someone
Here are 4 signs God is leading you to stop texting with someone or messaging with them online.