What is God saying to a woman who has strong feelings for a man that are not going away? Is this a sign God wants this woman to wait for this man? Or is something else going on?
Fear is a focus on an unwanted outcome in the future. Fear occurs because you are worried about experiencing a pain you don’t want to experience or not experiencing a pleasure you do want to experience.
God has certainly called Christians to live in community with other Christians. Proverbs 18:1 states, “Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment.”
By the term “a waiting stage,” I’m talking about a season of life where God just wants you to wait before making proactive steps towards his will for you. Eventually God will lead you to do something, but oftentimes he’s simply telling you to wait for the right time.
Are they just trying to hurt you by moving on so quickly? Or was it easy for them to start a new relationship so fast because they really didn’t care about you? What should you do when your ex moves on so effortlessly?