Do you find yourself getting really anxious, fearful, or even frustrated when you start focusing on your desire for a Christian relationship?
Here are 3 ways you can control your emotions better when you desire a Christian relationship.
Do you find yourself getting really anxious, fearful, or even frustrated when you start focusing on your desire for a Christian relationship?
Here are 3 ways you can control your emotions better when you desire a Christian relationship.
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Below are comments made by real AGW University students. These screenshots are from the private Facebook group (currently 825 members) that only AGW University students have access to. Feel free to read through these AGW University reviews and then checkout these biblical relationship training courses yourself by clicking here!
What does the Bible say about depression? How can a Christian overcome depression? And what biblical methods and modern methods should be used when a Christian is dealing with depression?
Here are 3 pointers to help Christians overcome depression.
How can you be content in singleness? If you are struggling with singleness, what is a biblical view to be more satisfied as you are waiting on the Lord? When it comes to Christian advice for singles, often times people are quick to start preaching down at those struggling in this season and offering them tips on how to be more content. That’s is not my aim here.
What should you do if you are a Christian who struggles with being agitated and annoyed? What should you do if you struggle with complaining often and getting frustrated easily?
Is love a sacrificial choice? Or is love more than a sacrificial choice? What does the Bible actually say about love being a sacrificial choice?
Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? Why does God allow suffering in the world? If God loves us, why does he allow pain in our lives?
How can you have a blessed Christian relationship? How can you have God’s favor on your Christian dating relationship? Why do some Christian marriages seem so happy while others seem to always be struggling
How does God turn evil into good? How is it possible for something bad and hurtful to actually produces something good and helpful?