What is God saying to a woman who has strong feelings for a man that are not going away? Is this a sign God wants this woman to wait for this man? Or is something else going on?
3 Signs Satan Is Trying to Hide You from Your Future Husband
Even when Satan is working, God has a greater purpose for it all. Satan can never thwart what God wills. If you are submitting to God, he will even take what Satan is doing and turn it for your good (Genesis 50:20).
4 Signs of a Male Narcissist
If you are a woman, it’s extremely dangerous to your heart if you get into a relationship with a male narcissist. These men are evil, but they are not stupid. They know how to mask their narcissism long enough to get you entangled in their web. The best way to deal with a male narcissist is to not get involved with him in the first place.
5 Signs God Has Already Answered “Yes” About a Man But You Just Haven’t Noticed Yet
What if God has already answered your prayer request about a certain man but you missed it?
3 Biblical Marks of an Evil Man Sent By Satan
In my previous article called 4 Biblical Marks of an Evil Person Sent By Satan, we talked about signs that God will use to warn us about an evil person in general. But what about males specifically? What signs will God use to warn his daughters about a man with bad intentions?
5 Things God Will Do When Preparing a Woman to Meet Her Future Husband
Here are 5 things God usually does in a woman’s life when he’s preparing her to meet her future husband soon.
4 Biblical Ways Your Future Husband Will Make You Feel
Because of past wounds and insecurities, we can certainly feel things incorrectly when it comes to relationships.
4 Things that Prevent Men from Asking a Woman Out
“I used to get asked out all the time. What’s changed?” “It’s been years since I’ve been on a date. What gives?” “Why does it seem so easy for some women to get a date and so hard for me?”
4 Simple Ways to Send the Right Message to a Guy So He Pursues You
Sometimes there’s just no way around it, relationships can be complicated. Despite our best efforts, the right words don’t always come out. No matter what we try, sometimes we just can’t connect with that person in the ways that we wanted.
3 Reasons You Should Be Confused When You Meet Your Future Husband
For a few women, they will meet their future husband and instantly know this is the man God has called them to marry. For the vast majority of women, however, this not what is going to happen.