Here are 5 common ways God could cause a marriage to occur in your life.
The Bible says that when your identity is rooted in Christ, the fruits you produce in your life will be the evidence. So one of the best ways to be able to tell if someone truly has their identity rooted in Christ is by looking for the fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23.
There are many other ways to tell, however, that someone’s identity is truly rooted in Christ. Here are 3 ways you can tell if you are truly finding your identity in Christ. These points can also help you gauge whether or not someone else is rooted in Christ so you do not become unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14).
It’s hard to know what God is up to in your life when you are in a season of waiting on the Lord. Perhaps you are waiting for the right job, the right word of confirmation, or the right relationship. But why is God making you wait so long?
Here are 4 things the Lord might be accomplishing through your season of waiting.
This is one of those articles that you have to read the whole thing because I will be answering this question from different angles. In one sense God will let you marry the wrong person but in another sense God will not let you marry the wrong person. Much of the confusion that will undoubtably occur in the comment section below will be based on language and misunderstanding how we are using phrases to mean different things.