If a Christian guy is being nice to you, how can you tell if he is just being polite or if he actually likes you as more than a friend?
How to Become Friends with Someone You Like Romantically
So you like someone, he or she seems like a great Christian, you want to start a relationship with this person, but as it stands right now you are nothing more than acquaintances. Maybe they don’t even know who you are.
So what should you do?
What’s the Difference Between Christian Courting and Dating? Which One Is Better for Christians?
One question that I have been getting asked a lot is, “What’s the difference between Christian courting and dating and which one is better?”
How to Interpret Dreams and “Prophesies” About Dating and Your Future Marriage
Lately many people have been asking about interpreting dreams from God, specifically when it comes to dreams about dating and their future marriage. Another common question that has been coming in lately is about prophesy. For example, someone “prophesied over” over a guy and told him something specific that they “saw” in his future like, “I see you surrounded by a woman and lots of children.”
Unwanted Christian Singleness: The Only Two Healthy Options When You Wish You Were Married
As I’ve talked about before, it is not wrong to want to be married. It is not a sign that you are discontent with God if you wish you were not single. Unwanted Christian singleness only becomes a problem when your desire for a spouse hinders your joy in God. We can be joyful in God while still discontent with singleness.
Save Yourself for Marriage: 5 Lies About Sexual Purity Many Christians Believe
Sexual purity is a simple and complicated subject for Christians. It’s simple because the Bible makes it very clear what we are supposed to do: Don’t have premarital sex. Sex is for marriage. Period. That’s not a complicated thing to understand or teach in the church.
Christian Dating, Waiting, and Actually Following the Lord
After watching my YouTube video, “Should a Christian Girl Pursue a Guy?” one AGW subscriber reached out for my advice about a guy she liked. After reading her question and thinking about the details she shared, I recommended that she invite this guy she liked to go out with her to do something fun and casual together. She didn’t need to profess her love, but by sending him an invitation she could let him know she was interested.
Does the Bible Say Singleness Is Better Than Marriage?
Does the Bible say singleness is better than marriage? When you read through 1 Corinthians 7, at first glance this seems like an easy question to answer. Yes, singleness is better than marriage. For example 1 Corinthians 7:38 states, “So then he who marries his betrothed does well, and he who refrains from marriage will do even better.”
Does God Care About Your Relationships?
Does God really care about your human relationships? Does he care about what’s going on between two friends? Does God care about who you like or don’t like romantically? Does God just shrug his shoulders when you ask him about that person you had extra-long eye contact with? Does God care what methods you are using in your dating life? Does he care about who you decide to marry?