Have you ever said to yourself, “There are is no other Christians my age who I would consider dating”? And yet, as you look around at all the other Christians who are getting married, you can help but wonder where they are meeting each other.
While God certainly has a unique story for each of us, there are some common ways that Christians of the opposite sex often meet each other. In my view, here are three of the top common ways that Christians end up meeting their future spouse.
Many Christians Meet Their Spouse Through Their Group of Friends
The most common way, in my opinion, that people meet one another and begin dating is through mutual friendships. By being a part of the same social circle, Christian guys and girls gain the time they need to get to know one another. Many Christians are cautious when it comes to dating, so by observing one another in a group setting first and by getting to know one another in friendly group setting, this environment often gives a man and woman the security they need to progress into a dating relationship.
Many Christians Meet Each Other At Church
While most Christian singles meet their future spouse through getting to know him or her in a shared social circle, these Christian groups of friends are often forged through being connected at church.
One of the needed ingredients for any friendship is a shared experience or a common bond. Two people who have nothing in common, do not spend time together, and who have not shared an experience together do not become friends. This is why being a part of the same church community is a very common place for groups of friends to form.
By going to a church that has people who believe the same things as you and who have committed their lives to serving God like you, you have the natural ingredients for friendships to take place. When Christian singles who have things in common with one another begin to mingle with one another, it is a guarantee that some of them will begin to have romantic feelings for one another.
God has designed it this way. It is impossible for a large group of Christian singles of the similar age and of the opposite sex to interact with one another and no romantic relationships are formed. God has designed men and women to join to each other, so when single men and women come together, they simply do what they were designed to do. Of course not everyone will find a romantic connection, but I truly believe it is impossible for a large group of singles to get together for an extended season of their lives and no one connect with each other romantically. God’s design of drawing men and women together is just too powerful for that to happen.
Many Christians Meet Their Future Spouse on a Mission’s Trips or Service Project
Besides church, Christian work environments, and Christian schools, where else do Christian singles form groups of friendships with one another? The only other common place where I have seen Christian singles form new groups of friends is mission trips and service projects.
These environments are magnets for relationships forming because of the types of people who usually sign up to participate. When you are married and have a family, it is harder to create the time necessary to participate in extended seasons of ministry. It’s certainly not impossible, but it is harder. Therefore, it should be no surprise that the majority of people who go on long-term mission trips or join a long-term service project are single. So when many single people come together and work towards a common goal, you have all the ingredients for relationships to form.
Additionally the people who usually join the same mission or cause obviously have a passion for the same thing, which again forms a natural environment for romantic connections to be made. These people are single, they have similar beliefs, and they are experiencing new things together to form bonds that only they will understand with one another.
It’s really no surprise that so many Christian singles meet their future spouse while serving together.
In Summary, You Will Never Meet Someone to Marry If You Never Meet People in General
If you are a Christian single who wants to glorify God in marriage one day, perhaps the best tip is that you must be around other Christian singles. Whether you meet someone through friends, at church, while doing a mission’s trip, or in some other way, the theme that is consistent in every marriage story is that a man and woman met each other. You just can’t get married if you stay by yourself at home all the time. You have to reach out to other people and be available when people reach out to you.
While meeting someone can seem complicated, the first step is simple: Choose to interact with other people because it is literally impossible to meet someone when you are by yourself.
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