When I was a teenager in need of a summer job, lifeguarding seemed like the perfect fit. I could be in the sun, sit in a chair most of the day, and perhaps even be a hero if someone needed saving. What could be better than that?
Would God Ever Call You to Marry Someone You Don’t Like?
Will God tell you who to marry? And if so, is it possible that God would tell you to marry someone you don’t like that much? Could God call you to marry someone you are not attracted to?
Here are three reasons I don’t believe God would call you to marry someone you do not want to marry.
How Does Your Parent’s Divorce Affect Your Future Relationship?
How does your parent’s divorce affect you as an adult? How does divorce affect future relationships for the children of divorced parents? And what is a biblical way to heal as an adult who grew up in a divorced family?
How Can a Christian Overcome Depression?
What does the Bible say about depression? How can a Christian overcome depression? And what biblical methods and modern methods should be used when a Christian is dealing with depression?
Here are 3 pointers to help Christians overcome depression.
How to Be Content in Singleness
How can you be content in singleness? If you are struggling with singleness, what is a biblical view to be more satisfied as you are waiting on the Lord? When it comes to Christian advice for singles, often times people are quick to start preaching down at those struggling in this season and offering them tips on how to be more content. That’s is not my aim here.
What’s the Difference Between Infatuation, Love, and Just Liking Someone?
What’s the difference between love and infatuation? If you are a Christian single, how can you identify when someone likes you too much? How can you tell if their desire for you is turning into infatuation? And how can you make sure you are not infatuated with someone else?
How to Get Through 5 of the Hardest Parts of Christian Singleness
I recently asked a question to the AGW subscribers, “What’s the most challenging part of Christian singleness for you?” The responses that came in were overwhelming. People really shared their heart and talked about how hard the season of Christian singleness can be for them.
3 Christian Tips to Help You Lose Weight and Get Fit
What does the Bible say about losing weight? What does the Bible say about honoring God with your body? What are some Christian tips on weight loss and getting in shape? What is a biblical perspective on working out?
In this article, I’m going to give you 3 Christian tips that will help you lose weight in shape.
How Long Should a Christian Date Before Getting Married?
How long should a Christian date before getting married? What is enough time in Christian courting before marriage occurs? Is 6 months too soon to get married? Is 3 years too long to wait to get married? What does the Bible say about how long dating should occur before marriage?
Questions like these are extremely subjective. Much like most dating questions, there is not a definitive answer found in the Bible. The best approach, therefore, is to apply relevant biblical truth to this question, “How long should a Christian date before getting married?”