Is God Keeping You Single Because of Your Past Sins? (4 Biblical Answers)

Is God keeping you single because of past sin
1 John 1:9

Is God keeping you single because of your past sin? This is an easy question to answer when we take it literally at face value. However, when people ask this question, there are often other deeper questions behind it that are actually being asked.

So here are 4 answers to the question, “Is God keeping me single because of my past sins?”

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4 Things God Is Accomplishing Through Your Season of Waiting

why is God making me wait
Lamentations 3:25-27

It’s hard to know what God is up to in your life when you are in a season of waiting on the Lord. Perhaps you are waiting for the right job, the right word of confirmation, or the right relationship. But why is God making you wait so long?

Here are 4 things the Lord might be accomplishing through your season of waiting.

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