There are times in life where God wants you to be extremely proactive, to step out in faith and try hard as you seek to do what he is telling you to do. But life is full of very different seasons, so sometimes God will tell you to stop moving and remain still. As Ecclesiastes 3:6-7 states, “. . . [there is] a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to tear, and a time to sew . . .”
Month: November 2019
5 Things God Will Show You When Someone Truly Loves You
Here are 5 things God will often show you about someone when they truly love you.
3 Signs God Is Going to Answer Your Prayer Request
Why does God answer some prayers with a yes and some prayers with a no? Here are 3 signs God is going to answer a certain prayer request you have with a “Yes.”
3 Signs God Is Trying to Increase Your Love for Him
God always wants the best for us. Therefore, since God knows that he himself is the best, God’s primary desire for us is that we love him most of all. Here are 3 common signs that God is actively seeking to increase your love for him for your good and his glory.
When God Wants You With Someone, This Will Happen . . .
Here are 5 things that will happen in your life when God truly does want you with someone.
3 Reasons God Is Keeping You in “This” Season
Here are 3 possible reasons God is not allowing you to enter into a new season of life right now even though you really want to.
3 Signs God Is Encouraging You to Make a Major Change in Your Life
Sometimes your life will change in a dramatic way whether you want it to or not. At other times, however, God will be telling you to create this huge change intentionally.
God Wants You to Look for “The One” in a New Place If . . .
Sometimes God leads people to enter into a more proactive dating season. When this happens, God will also often lead that person to explore new social settings and environments as a way of meeting new people and possibly their future spouse.
3 Signs God Is Telling You to Create Boundaries for Someone in Your Life
Here are 3 signs that God is telling you to create more boundaries with someone in your life.
3 Signs God Is Preparing You to Take a Huge Step of Faith
Here are 3 signs that God is getting you ready to take a huge step of faith in your life.