Here are 3 signs Satan is trying to distract a woman by using a man who is not her future husband.
And if you haven’t heard, enrollment for AGW University is now open for the first time in 2024. I designed these relationship courses for Christian singles of any age. The only requirement is that you are single and you want to be married one day.
So if you want biblical relationship training that stems right from God’s word, email coaching with me, and a big scholarship, click here to visit AGW University before the February 26th deadline.
1. If God Is Working on Your Identity in Christ as a Woman, Satan Will Oftentimes Try to Distract You with a Man
When God is doing something important in your life, you can be sure that Satan will try to distract you. When it comes to your identity in Christ as a woman, God will put you through certain seasons where he will highlight important biblical truths about your femininity. For example:
- The Bible says you are God’s daughter and he loves you (1 John 3:1, 2 Corinthians 6:18). When you know you are loved by your Father, it brings a supernatural security and peace in your life.
- The Bible says your beauty as a woman must flow from your Christian character on the inside. The world will try to tell you to focus more on your physical appearance (1 Peter 3:3-4).
- The Bible says you can be gentle and loving while still being a powerful woman. You can submit to your future husband and be his equal partner in God’s gift of new life to you both (1 Peter 3:7, Proverbs 31:10-31).
While all Christians will continue to grow with Christ even after they are married, there are many lessons a man and woman must learn about their masculinity or femininity that are best learned in singleness.
If you are going through a season like this where God is specifically rebuilding your feminine foundation in the Lord, Satan will oftentimes try to distract you with a man who is not good for you. The devil will tempt you to do the opposite of what 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 instructs:
Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”
2. If a Man Just Wants to Have a Good Time in Dating But Has Zero Interest in Being Married Anytime Soon, This Is the Type of Guy Satan Will Use to Distract You
When you’re single but you have a strong desire to be married one day, it can feel great to be in a dating relationship. You may say to yourself, “Well, I’m not married yet. But at least I’m not alone. At least I have someone right now!”
Dating is not bad. Dating just to date, however, usually leads to very bad things. The only example we have in the Bible of a healthy long-term romantic relationship is marriage. Thus, as Christians, it’s best to only date when you are focused on finding a spouse.
Dating just to enjoy a boyfriend or girlfriend usually leads to premarital sex, wasting time in a relationship that doesn’t result in marriage, and prolonging your season of being unmarried.
Therefore, if a man is just interested in dating women right now but he’s not looking for a wife, he is a distraction from Satan. The Bible says marriage pleases God (Genesis 2:18, Hebrews 13:4, 1 Corinthians 7:7). It doesn’t say anything about dating. Satan wants you to endlessly date. God will use dating to help you get married.
3. If You Think You Can Change a Man, Satan Is Using This Man to Distract You
Can God use you to influence a man towards Christianity? Of course! Can a godless man become a godly man through the power of the gospel? Absolutely! Are there are examples of women bringing a non-Christian man to church and then this man changing because he gets saved? Yes!
However, if you think you are the one who needs to change this man, you are wrong. Only God can change the heart (Ezekiel 11:19). If God wants to use you to change a man, that man will show a willingness to change. Like David, it will be his prayer, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10).
God will be working in him. God may use you, but you will not be the one dragging this man around and trying to change him. Therefore, if you are working on a man who is not interested in changing, you are just wasting your time (Matthew 7:6). Satan is using this man to distract you.
If you want more biblical training about the differences between men and women, you may be interested in AGW University.
In my courses called The Mind of a Man and The Mind of a Woman, I will teach you what the Bible says about how men and women relate differently to each other in relationships.
In the other courses at AGW University, I will also help you apply biblical principles to prepare your heart for marriage and to know what action steps you need to take to meet the person God may have for you.
For more information about the current scholarship, email coaching, and all the other bonuses, click here before the February 26th (at 11:59pm) deadline.
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