Here are 4 weird things that often happen when God is protecting you from getting into a hurtful relationship.
And I also wanted to quickly let you know that I have a brand-new set of courses at AGW University. These courses are specifically designed for Christians who are single and who also desire to be in a godly relationship one day. In the past I’ve offered three main courses (Heart Check, Marriage Material, and 10 Steps to Meet The One). Now I’m also offering my newest courses, The Mind of a Man: How to Understand a Man and Communicate the Right Message to Him and the course called The Mind of a Woman: How to Understand a Woman and Communicate the Right Message to Her.
And for those who enroll before the September 1st deadline, I’m also awarding you a $50 scholarship and three months of bonus email coaching with me.
For more information about these biblical relationship training courses specifically designed for Christians singles who desire to glorify God in marriage one day, feel free to read to the end of this article where I will share more information or just click here to visit AGW University.
1. If the Circumstances Are So Badly Preventing You Two from Connecting that It’s Become Almost Comical, This Could Be God Protecting You from Getting into a Hurtful Relationship
Have you ever really wanted to get to know someone more but no matter what you tried, it just kept getting prevented by forces outside of your control? When you went left at church, this person went right. When ministry leaders randomly assigned you a service group to be a part of, you were in group 1 and this person was in group 79. When you went to a party that your friend specifically set up so you could meet this person, the person came down with the flu. After a so many failed attempts to connect with this person, it’s now become almost comical.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 states, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” What is the “this” in the phrase “for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”? It certainly seems “this” is referring to the “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks” statement, since rejoicing and praying and giving thanks is always God’s will for us. But in another sense, it’s not wrong to conclude God’s will is also the “all circumstances” phrase too.
We should always rejoice and be thankful in all circumstances because theologically we know that “all circumstances” are under God’s sovereign plan; and in that sense they are “God’s will” for us. As Ephesians 1:11 states, “In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will . . . .”
Therefore, when it comes to circumstances that are keeping you away from someone no matter what you try, in the end, you should rejoice about this since you know that these circumstances are actually under God’s sovereign power to bring about his will. He may actually be protecting you from getting into a bad relationship. If God really wanted you with someone, he would create the circumstances to make this possible.
2. If You Keep Seeing Oddly Specific Warnings in Books, Videos, Podcasts, and in Other Such Places, This Could Be God Protecting You from a Hurtful Relationship
Random coincidences really do happen. And sometimes you just keep seeing the same type of videos and information because you’ve trained the social media algorithms to send that type of information to you.
With that said, it’s also true that God loves to make his point through repetition. Whenever something is repeated in the Bible, for example, that’s a sign to us this is a very important point (Philippians 3:1). I believe the same thing can sometimes happen in our lives. Sometimes God will highlight a warning to you by sending it repeatedly and through multiple means.
If you are seeing a warning or relevant information that makes you see how bad this relationship would be with this person you are thinking about, this very well could be God warning you not to go any further with this person.
3. If Game-Changing Information Reaches You in a Way You Could Never Have Orchestrated on Your Own, This Could Be God Protecting You from a Hurtful Relationship
In Ruth 2:3 it states, “ . . . she happened to come to the part of the field belonging to Boaz . . . .” What were the odds that Ruth just so happened to find herself in Boaz’s field? Just as God used this “random” event to bring about his sovereign plan, so too can God bring negative information into your life “randomly” to warn you about a bad relationship.
Many years ago I was in the process of leaving a toxic church. And during that process of realizing that God did in fact want me to leave, there were numerous people who I randomly met that supplied me with very specific negative information about this church and its leadership.
Now, if I was going around looking for this information, I would have second guessed if this was really God or not. But since the information came to me without even looking and since the information was being verified through multiple forms of evidence, I was that much more confident that God was really protecting me from going any further with this toxic church.
God can do the same thing for you when it comes to being in a relationship with someone. While it’s certainly not wrong to seek out information and to trust that info if it seems valid even though you looked for it, it’s doubly convincing that God is trying to protect you when important information finds you even though you were not looking for it
(Another example of this can be seen in Acts 8:26-40 where the Ethiopian “randomly” meets Philip right when he was reading from the book of Isaiah and then randomly is near a body of water to be baptized.)
4. If You Have a Nagging, Unexplainable Sensation in Your Spirit that Is Making You Feel Like You Should Not Trust This Person, This Could Be God Warning You About Not Getting into a Relationship with This Person Because It Will Be Hurtful
Perhaps the one part about Christianity that confuses non-Christians the most is the Holy Spirit’s personal leading in the believer’s life. As wild and unbelievable as it seems to unbelievers, Christians do get an unexplainable warning in their heart about things they could never have known themselves (Hebrews 5:14, Philippians 1:9-10, James 1:5).
While it can be an odd experience to our human, rationale minds, sometimes God will warn you to not get into a relationship with someone simply through giving you internal warnings in your spirit through the Holy Spirit.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I created AGW University for a very specific type of person. Some of you are dating already and some of you are content to be single. Some of you may not be Christians and some of you may just want a relationship regardless if it pleases God or not. These courses are not for you. These courses are only for Christians who are single and who also want to be in a godly relationship one day that glorifies the Lord.
These courses do not contain magic spells or lavish promises that you will meet “the one” by just following my advice. Rather, these courses are a deep dive into biblical principles regarding God’s design for romantic relationships between men and women. I’m currently offering 4 main courses along with 3 free bonus courses.
The first course is called Heart Check. This course helps you get ready internally for dating by guiding you through steps of healing and sanctification, specifically in the area of relationships.
The next course is called Marriage Material. Here we unpack exactly what the Bible requires for you to have a successful relationship with someone.
Next is the course called 10 Steps to Meet The One. This is where I give you extremely practical steps to take to actually meet people of the opposite sex and interact with them in the most effective way possible.
Lastly, I have two new courses, one for women and one for men. The one for women is called The Mind of a Man and the one for men is called The Mind of a Woman. One of the biggest barriers keeping women and men from meeting, dating, and marrying the type of person they want is their lack of understanding about how differently women and men think, feel, and act in relationships. It’s incredibly easy to send the wrong message to a man or woman and push them away. But when you learn just a few simple biblical principles about the differences between how women and men think, feel, and act in regards to relationships, it becomes much easier to connect with the type of man or woman you desire.
There’s also a private Facebook group of AGW University students, so you can interact and get to know some likeminded Christians. This group currently has over 840 other students in in thus far.
And if you enroll before the September 1st deadline, you get three additional bonus courses totally free and 90 days of bonus email coaching with me for no additional tuition cost.
If you are a Christian who desires a godly relationship, AGW University is for you. To check out all the course content before enrolling and learn about all the bonuses I haven’t mentioned yet, feel free to click here before the deadline passes by.