Is Masturbation Sin?

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Masturbation Bible

Key Bible Verses Proving Masturbation Is a Sin According to Scripture:

5 Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. . . 8 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. – 1 Corinthians 7:5, 8-9

Well this is awkward . . . but thousands of Christians are asking questions about masturbation. So here is a blunt, specific, and direct article about how the Bible addresses issues like masturbation. Here we go!

All the questions and support for masturbation are quickly solved when you understand the Bible does directly condemn masturbation through what it directly condones. The Bible does not give sexual specifics but categories which Christians are to live within. They are the same for the unmarried as they are for the married couple: All sexual pleasure without your spouse is wrong. And all sexual pleasure with your spouse is right.

Knowing the Bible Does Say Masturbation Is a Sin Stops All the Confusion

It is said to Christians that masturbation is not talked about in the Bible. Therefore there are many questions regarding this sensitive subject: Is it sin to masturbate? If the Bible doesn’t talk about masturbation, then why do people say self-pleasure is wrong? Since the Bible clearly condemns lust, what if I can masturbate without lustful thoughts, with just a blank mind? If I am married, my spouse and I are separated for a long time, such as during a military deployment, and we have each other’s blessing to do so, is it still sinful to masturbate while thinking about my spouse? The medical field states masturbation is healthy, and since the Bible states we should take care of our bodies, isn’t self-gratification good to do then? And if masturbation helps keep me from other more obvious sins like premarital sex, adultery, or pornography, isn’t it better to just masturbate since the Scriptures are silent on this topic?

the one

All of these problems and questions start because we are told masturbation is not directly addressed in the Bible. But what if it was? If the Bible just plainly stated, “though shall not sexually pleasure thyself,” no one would need to argue about what Christians are to do according to the Bible.

Masturbation Is Condemned Through What Is Condoned in the Bible

Contrary to popular opinion, the Bible does speak directly to the issue of masturbation with unmistakable clarity. While it must be quickly admitted you won’t find the actual words “masturbation, self-pleasure, or self-gratification” anywhere in the inspired 66 books, the Bible often speaks on what we are not to do through directly and specifically stating what we are to do.

For example, rather than listing every possible way humans can speak disrespectfully to one another, the Bible simply states, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29). There could be a limitless list always being lengthened with what could be considered “unwholesome talk.” Rather than explaining every finer point of what we are not to say, we are simply given general information on what we are to say, “only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Likewise, while the Bible does not have a list of specifics which we can and can’t do sexually, the Bible gives an extremely clear explanation on what Christians are to do sexually. The clearest verse on this is 1 Corinthians 7:5, “Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

Masturbation Is Outside the Biblical Category of Mutual Participation

In 1 Corinthians 7:5, Paul is talking to Christians on how to avoid sexual temptation. He says to the married: your only two options are prayer and sex with your spouse. Notice he states with extreme clarity “come together again.” Why? “so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

By stating that after we get done praying, we must “come together” or otherwise we are falling into sexual sin, Paul categorically deems all sexual activity done away from your spouse as sin. If you don’t “come together,” which means having physical sexual relations, then according to 1 Corinthians 7:5 you are falling into Satan’s sexual temptation through your lack of self-control.

Here sexual self-control is directly related to prayer and having sex with your spouse. And a lack of sexual self-control is directly related to finding sexual pleasure without your spouse. Therefore, since masturbation does not include your spouse’s participation, the Bible declares it evil. Any sexual pleasure that does include the physical participation of your spouse, the Bible condones.

The only things off limits are acts harmful to the body and acts not consented to by both spouses since these acts would directly contradict other clear commands in Scriptures to honor the Lord with your body (Romans 12:1) and honor your spouse (Ephesians 5:21-33).

What Does the Bible Say About Singles and Masturbation?

The fact that the Bible condemns all sexual pleasure away from the physical participation of your spouse can also be seen in Paul’s instruction to the unmarried, “But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion” (1 Corinthians 7:9).

Paul specifically and directly states in 1 Corinthians 7:9, “if they cannot control themselves, they should marry.” All sexual pleasure done away from your future spouse outside of your future marriage, is under the category of “cannot control themselves” (1 Corinthians 7:9). According to the Bible, therefore, the only sexual solutions given here for singles are the same for married people: 1. Complete abstinence of all sexual pleasure, which would be the opposite of “cannot control themselves.” 2. Getting married, which is the opposite of “burn with passion.”

Is Masturbation a Sin for a Christian?

In conclusion, all the questions and support for masturbation are quickly solved when you understand the Bible does directly condemn masturbation through what it directly condones. The Bible does not give sexual specifics but categories which Christians are to live within. They are the same for the unmarried as they are for the married couple: All sexual pleasure without your spouse is wrong. And all sexual pleasure with your spouse is right.

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”. . . Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. – Genesis 2:18, 24-25

19 thoughts on “Is Masturbation Sin?”

  1. Saying the bible condemns by what it directly condones is not a reasonable argument. If it condones it, it condones it. If it’s not mentioned, then it’s not forbidden. There’s reading between the lines, then there’s assuming. This is just assuming based on personal understanding rather than actual scripture.

    God is pretty frank and clear about what he does and doesn’t condone in scripture. I’m pretty sure if he wanted people to avoid self pleasure, he’d have said so. Lust is forbidden. But masturbation is not always lustful. It can aid sacred union.

    The assumption that all sexual energy is inherently sinful, which in and of itself is a grave misconception about sexual energy, plays heavily into how christians view the issue of masturbation. Sexual energy is God’s love. It’s more about HOW you use it, how you direct it and less about the mechanical act of touching your own flesh. In my experience.

  2. I disagree on many levels. Abortion is not mentioned in the Bible, but I believe it is wrong because murder is mentioned. Many, many sins are not mentioned directly. If you did all the things not specifically mentioned in the Bible you would be in a lot of trouble. But I respect your opinion.

    God bless,

  3. According to Genesis 38:9-10 that thing is wrong; not only is masturbation wrong, but also condom use is wrong because both actions end up spilling the seeds of life willfully in the wrong place.

  4. You missed out the main scripture where Jesus said “even if you look at another women with lust you commit adultery ” so looking is bad enough with lust but to then get off on it is greater. Its also idolatry.

    Colossians 3:5
    Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry.

    Ep 5:5
    For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God

  5. I agree that lust is a sin that is usually associated with masturbation. The point of this article, however, was to show that masturbation is sin even without other sins making it sinful. In other words, many say they can masturbate while not thinking of anything or by thinking of their spouse. In these cases they are not lusting after another person. My point in this article is to show that the act of self-pleasure is actually a sin because it is a sexual experience done without your spouse, which is outside of what God wants.

  6. Masturbation is 99.99% sin. No matter you believe it or not. The earth would never become flat no matter how much you believe it is flat. The truth will always be true no matter you accept it or not.

    Sometimes, it’s hard for some people to distinguish something whether it’s sin. 99.99% of people who masturbate are thinking of someone or looking at a photo or video while they are masturbating. So if you’re thinking of having sex with someone who is not your spouse while masturbating, it’s sin according to God’s words.

    It could be a little deep concept that if you are thinking about only your spouse while masturbating, it’s not sin. Cuz according to the bible, it is lawful to lust your spouse.But it is not an appropriate act. Why would you mastubate while you can have real sex with your spouse. But you could say that you masturbate cuz your spouse is away. But you need to notice that Masurbating could ruin the sex life of your marriage. And masturbating could any time open a door to make you think of someone other than your spouse while masturbating. So it’s not a good act for you and it has a high potential to become a sinful act. That’s why the bible say control your sexual desire. And if you can’t control it, the bible says get married which just means have sex with someone ( but that one must be your spouse so that it won’t be a sinful sex. That’s why the bible just simply says ” Get married ! ” )

    There’s also one thing that 99.99% of people who say they’re not thinking of someone while masurbating, they are just lying. Come on ! You know your nasty little minds. Don’t be shy to admit it. But if you’re really saying that you don’t think of anyone when you masturbate, Congrats ! I salute you. You should really be awarded in heaven. But I’m really curious to know that have you not ever thought of someone while mastubating ? The bible says everyone has lust in their mind. I believe that and so I really doubt someone who says they never think of anyone when masturbates.

    Last One ! Jesus when he was here on earth, he was not married. Suppose that Jesus masturbates but don’t think of anyone. Would you approve his behavior ? Well… he’s not thinking of anyone while masturbating. It’s not sinning. But you would still think it’s not appropriate for Jesus to masturbate, Right ?

    That’s the answer. It’s not appropriate no matter what.

    Even if you can mastubate without sinning by not thinking of anyone, it’s still not an appropriate act. And it has a huge potential to lead you to a sinful way anytime.

  7. I think you should read the article again. The whole point of this article was to show that masturbation is a sin whether lust occurs or not. Anything done without your spouse is sin. Since masturbation is a sexual act done by yourself, it is sin. It doesn’t matter if you have blank mind or if you are lusting. Yes, lust is a sin, but it is a different sin. Masturbation is a sin unto itself because sex was created for a husband and wife to experience together.

  8. What if my spouse can’t have sex anymore and is bed ritton is it ok to masterbate just thinking about him and I making love

  9. Thank you for this very honest question. I really commend your desire to honor the Lord and to love your husband. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be. Thank God that he can empower you to have a joyful marriage even though your husband is physcially limited.

    I would encourage you to study to the Scriptures and decide for yourself what God wants. Don’t just listen to what I have to say. But my best answer is that you should not masturbate away from your husband as this would violate 1 Corinthians 7:5, “Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

    I don’t want to get too detailed for the sake of modesty, but I don’t believe you must have physical sex to fulfill this “come together again” command. I believe sexual experiences are to be done only between a husband and wife. But I believe the “sexual experiences” part does not require the actual physical participation of your husband. I do believe he needs to be actively involved somehow though. If you are experiencing something sexual without your husband’s presence I believe this is sin. Even though he may not be able to experience physical sexual pleasure, your body and your sexual experiences still belong to him too. Again, I don’t want to be too graphic here, but my best answer to your question is that you should think of ways to involve him even though he can’t physically participate.

    I hope this answer helps you a bit, God bless,

  10. I just have a question. In your article it clearly states “But if they CANNOT control themselves they should marry…” so from what I understand; In accordance to singles, masturbation alone is not a sin. What deems the action a sin is an individuals thoughts and wether or not the action becomes sexual obsession. Everything is permissible for me, but not all things are beneficial. Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be enslaved by anything and brought under its power, allowing it to control me. 1 Corinthians 6:12
    But if you continue reading that chapter it states that our bodies weren’t intended for sexual immorality( thoughts and/or behavior). That our bodies are temples for the Holy spirit and anyone who is sexually immoral goes against their own body. From my own experience masterbation without lustful thoughts is accomplishable (though difficult) but takes a great deal of discipline. So my question is; If I’m not addicted to sexual pleasure, and my thoughts are not immoral, and I’m single, is masterbation truly wrong? Not to mention that these are permissions from Paul and not commandments.
    But I am saying this as a concession, not as a command.
    1 Corinthians 7:6
    I’m only 19 I’m just tying to figure this out and know what’s right and what’s wrong.
    Thanks 🙂

  11. No, I don’t see it that way. The point of that verse is not say, “they cannot control themselves.” That is completely missing the point. Not controlling yourself is a sin, and God does not condone sin. One biblical solution is to get married so you can express sexual desire in marriage. This is not a sin. That’s why Paul said get married so you don’t sin anymore.

    So my belief is that yes, masturbation is always wrong regardless if you lust or not. Sexual expression is always meant to be between a husband and wife. Any sexual expression not between a husband and a wife is a sin.

    Hope that helps,
    God bless,

  12. Can you morally enjoy mutual masturbation with your spouse in the same room. I watch her and she watches me?

  13. The main flaw in your logic regarding masturbation is that masturbation isn’t always brought on by lust. Young men get erections at the oddest times, be it a funeral, or baptism. Masturbation provides men a way to “Scratch” a genital “Itch”, and lust is commonly used as a vehicle to bring about completion. Lust doesn’t drive masturbation, its the opposite. Unlike Abortion, which was as popular during those times as dieting, masturbation existed then in the exact same form as it does today. By all evidence, men back then had higher sperm counts and maybe even higher levels of testosterone, so masturbation would have been even more prevalent then as today. Its omission in the Bible is more akin to the omissions of bowel movements, than abortion or drug use.

  14. I feel like you didn’t read this post at all. This whole article is about why masturbation is sin regardless of lust or not. 1 Corinthians 7:5 clearly says any sexual experience away from your spouse is sin. Masturbation, regardless of lustful or not, is “a lack of self control” and is falling to Satan. It says to “come together” again. How is masturbation coming together? If masturbation was an option for dealing with sexual desires Paul would not have commanded people to be married if they have sexual desires.

  15. Good question. Searching around, I see these commentaries on the 1 Corinthians 7:6:

    “none may break the law of God, yet that perfect rule leaves men at liberty to serve him in the way most suited to their powers and circumstances, of which others often are very unfit judges. All must determine for themselves, seeking counsel from God how they ought to act.”

    “the foregoing instructions are not to be considered as absolute commands from him, but as general permissive instruction, to be applied by each individual according to circumstances.”

    “He means to say that he leaves the details of their lives, whether celibate or married, to their individual consciences, though with large hearted wisdom and charity he would emancipate them from human and unauthorized restrictions.”

    In my post below, I point out that I think this blog post is too black and white. I think there are individual “circumstances” in which it may be okay. This post is interpretation, which I do take seriously and have read multiple times, but I still think constitutes “human and unauthorized restrictions” where otherwise individual circumstance might notwithstand what is most situations might be an appropriate interpretation.

  16. The word “abortion” might not be mentioned in the Bible, but the act is certainly spoken against.

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