3 Insecurities in a Man that Stop Him from Pursuing You

Song of Solomon 2:3

Most Christians agree that it’s the man’s job to pursue. However, this principle gets stated so often that we forget how hard this is for many men. As a woman, if you don’t know about some of the insecurities a man has about pursuing you, you may do things that actually prevent him from pursuing you because you are feeding these fears in him.

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3 Signs God Is Saying, “Remove that Person. They Are a Distraction.”

Proverbs 13:20

No matter what, you are all in with life. You can’t stop the clock. There’s no pause button. Every day, you are spending the resources God has given you. Whether you are sitting alone on your coach, traveling the world with a group of friends, or you are serving those in need, God will judge you on how you are spending the life he has given you.

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Redeeming Love Movie Review: 5 Things I Learned About Women

Hosea 1:2

I recently watched the movie called Redeeming Love with my wife. First off, I know the sex scenes in this movie have many people divided over whether or not Christians should even see this movie. And most of the reviews of this movie have focused on that question. That’s not going to be the focus of my review. Rather, I want to talk about some things I learned about women after watching this movie. 

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