How Much Do You Need to Like Someone to Date Them?

how much do you need to like someone to date them_
Proverbs 3:5-6

How much should you like someone before dating them? Is it okay to give a relationship a chance even if you don’t think it will work out long-term? Are you leading someone on if you are not that interested but you go out with them just to make sure you don’t like them?

These are good questions to ask as a Christian because they will help you guard the hearts of others while also navigating the dating season yourself.

So here are 3 tips to help you answer the question, “How much do you need to like someone to date them?”

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The Only 3 Ways to Meet The One God Has For You

the one
1 Corinthians 10:31

Have you ever said something like, “There are just no Christians singles at my church” or “I live in a small town so my options are really limited” or “I tried online dating once and it was a total disaster” or “The only people who want to date me are non-Christians.”

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4 Ways to Overcome a Relationship Idol in Your Heart

relationship idol
1 John 5:21

Are you a Christian single person who wants to be married one day but right now you are trying to focus more on God, become a more mature Christian who is ready for a relationship, and overcome a relationship idol in your heart?

If so, here are 4 ways to help you grow in your season of Christian singleness and overcome a relationship idol in your heart.  

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4 Signs God Is Protecting You from a Toxic Relationship

4 signs God is protecting you from a toxic relationship
Proverbs 22:24-25, Proverbs 11:14

How can you tell if God is trying to warn you that you are actually in a toxic relationship? What signs will be present if God is telling you that this person is not marriage material for you? And how can you know if this person just has some normal issues to work through or if this person is truly harmful to be in a relationship with?

Here are 4 signs that God is trying to protect you from marrying a toxic person.

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3 Ways to Respond If You Get Ghosted

Ephesians 4:32

What should you do when you get ghosted?

Perhaps you were talking to someone you really liked or maybe you even went on a few dates with someone, and then all of sudden they completely ignore you and act like you don’t exist to them.

What should you do? Here are 3 ways to respond when you get ghosted as a Christian single person.

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3 Signs God Is Telling You to Date Someone

signs God date
John 14:15

Is God telling you to date that person that you like? How can you really know what God is saying about this relationship?

In this article I will give you three signs that might mean God is telling you to date someone. At the end of this article, I will also give you some balanced perspective on some other possibilities of what God might be saying to you if you feel like these three signs are present in your life.

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