3 Signs God Is Purifying You So You’re Ready to Meet Your Future Spouse

Psalm 51:10

Christian purity is not something you are born with. In fact, the Scriptures teach us that every human was born with a sin nature (Psalm 51:5). Thus, we do not sin and become sinful. Rather, we sin because we are sinful. Continue reading 3 Signs God Is Purifying You So You’re Ready to Meet Your Future Spouse

5 Signs God Is Setting You Free from an Idol

1 John 5:21

Idols rob us of the immense joy God wants to give us. Everything good in this life is from God, given to us in love (1 Timothy 4:4-5). And yet, because of our sin nature, those good gifts often get turned into false gods. Our hearts were made to worship the one true God; if we are not worshiping him, we will always find something else to worship. Continue reading 5 Signs God Is Setting You Free from an Idol

3 Signs God Is Saying, “It’s Time to Confront Your Fear of Being Alone”

1 John 4:18

Fear is a focus on an unwanted outcome in the future. Fear occurs because you are worried about experiencing a pain you don’t want to experience or not experiencing a pleasure you do want to experience. Continue reading 3 Signs God Is Saying, “It’s Time to Confront Your Fear of Being Alone”

5 Things God Will Do to Cause You to Stop Worrying About Relationships

1 Peter 4:6-7

The more we desire something, the more we worry about getting it. Sometimes the worry can get so bad, so all-consuming, so unbearable, that we actually just want to give up the desire itself so we can escape all the anxiety attached to this desire. Continue reading 5 Things God Will Do to Cause You to Stop Worrying About Relationships

3 Things God Always Does to an Egomaniac

Esther 7:10

“I thought God hates pride. So why is this prideful person flourishing?” “It doesn’t seem like my humility is helping me in my career. People who are exalting themselves seem to be getting all the promotions.” “Why do these rude, egotistical people seem to all be in relationships while I’m still single?” Continue reading 3 Things God Always Does to an Egomaniac

3 Signs Satan Is Using a Trauma Bond Against You

2 Corinthians 3:17

Have you ever wondered why you can’t let someone go in your heart even though you know in your mind that this person is not good for you? Do you keep letting yourself get misused by an unstable person because you feel badly for them? Or do you feel obligated to help someone even though they constantly take you for granted? If so, you may be experiencing a trauma bond.  Continue reading 3 Signs Satan Is Using a Trauma Bond Against You