By studying Genesis 32 where God had to break Jacob down before he blessed him and built him up, we can see at least 4 common signs that often mean God is also breaking you down so he can build you back up and bless you.
4 Reasons God Won’t Let Your Heart Forget Someone
Here are 4 possible reasons for why God is not letting your heart forget someone.
3 Signs God Is Telling You Not to Give Up Hope on Someone
When it comes to relationships, it can be hard to know when God is telling you to keep holding on or when he is saying it is time to let it go. So here are 3 signs that often happen when God is telling you not to give up hope on someone.
5 Crazy Things God Will Let Happen So You Will Move On from Someone
Here are 5 crazy things that God allows to happen sometimes as a way of letting you know he wants you to move on from a bad relationship.
What Does the Bible Say About Soul Ties?
The term “soul tie” is not a term that is expressly used or defined in the Bible. Because of this, there are many different ways people use this term. So before we can talk about breaking a soul tie, I first need to clarify what I personally mean when I use this phrase.
3 Signs God Is Telling You Not to Move On from Someone
Here are 3 signs that often happen when God is telling you not to move on from someone.
4 Reasons God Allowed a Relationship to Fall Apart
Sometimes we will never fully understand why God allowed a relationship to fall apart. Sometimes it didn’t fall apart because of anything you did or because of something someone else did. There are times where we just need to accept that something was just not God’s will for us.
However, there are times where God allowed a relationship to fall apart as a consequence of our choices or the choices of the person we were in a relationship with.
So here are 4 possible reasons for why God allowed a relationship you once had to fall apart.
4 Signs a Sin in Your Past Is Blocking God’s Blessing in Your Present
Here are 4 signs a sin in your past is now blocking God’s blessings from coming into your present.
4 Reasons God Let Your Heart Get Broken By Someone
What does the Bible say about a broken heart? Here are 4 possible reasons for why God let your heart get broken by someone.
5 Signs God Is Telling You to Focus More on Your Mental Health
What does the Bible say about mental health?