According to the Bible, How Are You Actually Married in God’s Eyes? Sex? Ceremony? License?

Hebrews 13:4

Over the years, I’ve often been presented with the question, “I had sex with someone, so are we now married in God’s eyes?” Similarly, I’ve also been asked, “Aren’t marriage ceremonies and marriage certificates simply man-made ideas? Can’t two people just commit themselves before God and be married in God’s eyes?”

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How to Discover What Someone’s Love Language Is

Philippians 2:4

The term “love language” is not a phrase you will find it the Bible. Rather, it’s a term that comes from Dr. Gary Chapman’s book called The Five Love Languages. In this book he describes 5 common ways people receive love: words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, physical touch, and gifts.

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If God Put’s Everyone with “The One,” Why Do Divorces Happen?

Genesis 50:20

If you’ve been following this ministry for a while, you know that I believe in the concept of “the one.” One follow up question I often get goes something like this, “If God sovereignly puts people together in marriage, why do divorces happen? If God plans who we marry, why do some marriages turn out so badly?”

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5 Things You Must Learn Before God Reveals The One

Genesis 24:14

I’m not saying that if you learn these 5 things then God will instantly reveal the one to you. There are plenty of real-life examples of God putting two Christians together in marriage before they learned these valuable lessons. But because they did not learn these lessons their relationship will be harder and less enjoyable than it needed to be.

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