Heavenly Father,
5 Unmistakable Signs God Truly Spoke to You
There are many pieces of evidence (which I call signs) that God will use to communicate his will to you. In fact, I have an entire playlist of previous videos I’ve done about that very topic. But in this article I want to focus on those signs which are extremely clear and very easy to know for sure that this was in fact God speaking to you.
So here are 5 unmistakable signs God truly spoke to you.
4 Signs God Is Saying “Fear Me More!”
Here are 4 common signs God will use to tell you to fear him more.
3 Signs God Is Saying, “Go”
Here are 3 common signs God will show you when he is saying “go” to you.
4 Reasons God Is Making You Wait
Here are 4 possible reasons God is making you wait for that blessing you have been asking him for.
How to Get an Answer from God
When you really need God to give you an answer about an important question you have, here are 5 things he wants you to do.
4 Signs God Is Preparing You for What You’ve Been Praying For
Here are 4 common signs that mean God is preparing you for what you have been praying for.
4 Signs God Is Preparing Someone to Fall in Love with You
Here are 4 common things that will happen when God is preparing someone to fall in love with you.
4 Ingredients to Prayers God Answers
God always answers our prayers with a “Yes,” “No,” or “Wait,” but why does he sometimes answer “Yes” and sometimes with these other two options? We must accept that God is not required to always tell us why he does or does not do certain things. He is sovereign and he loves us, therefore no matter how he answers our prayers, we can always trust him.
But when we study the Bible about answered prayers, it does seem certain themes keep popping up. So here are four common biblical ingredients found in the type of prayers God often answers with a “Yes.”
3 Signs God Is Asking You to Hope in Him More
What does the bible say about hoping in God? Is God asking you to put more hope in him? Here are 3 signs that can help you answer this question.