“What happened? Why did God let us break up? Why did God let me think this person was the one? Did I do something wrong that made this relationship fail? What was the real reason that person did not want to continue? Why is God letting me so confused about this past relationship?”
There are at least 3 very common ways that God most often reveals his will to us – through his word, through prayer, and through the circumstances of our lives. I strongly encourage all Christians to primarily focus on these three ways of knowing God’s will for you. I’ve talked about these three primary ways at many other points. (Click here for videos about knowing God’s will for your life.)
Who will win the election? Who does God want me to marry? What does this bad report from the doctor mean? Why did my ex break up with me? How will the economy affect me and my family? What if the person I did not vote for becomes president? When will God show me my calling?
Life is full of so many questions. Every day brings new concerns, new issues, and new tests for our faith in Jesus as his followers. While God does care about the details of our lives, while our individual choices certainly do have a good and bad consequences, and while we are not called to just stick our head in the sand and ignore the issues we see all around us, as Christians, ultimately God always expects us to remember his sovereignty so we might fully trust him.
So here are 3 signs God is saying, “Trust my sovereignty!”
There are many pieces of evidence (which I call signs) that God will use to communicate his will to you. In fact, I have an entire playlist of previous videos I’ve done about that very topic. But in this article I want to focus on those signs which are extremely clear and very easy to know for sure that this was in fact God speaking to you.
So here are 5 unmistakable signs God truly spoke to you.
Among Christians, there are a lot of differing beliefs about spiritual gifts. This article is not meant to be an exhaustive biblical study on spiritual gifts. Rather, the point of this article is to help you identify what gift God has called you to use as you seek to glorify him.
So here are 4 signs God is revealing your spiritual gift to you.