The One: How to Know and Trust God’s Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage

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How to Interpret Dreams and “Prophesies” About Dating and Your Future Marriage

interpreting dreams
1 Corinthians 14:33

Lately many people have been asking about interpreting dreams from God, specifically when it comes to dreams about dating and their future marriage. Another common question that has been coming in lately is about prophesy. For example, someone “prophesied over” over a guy and told him something specific that they “saw” in his future like, “I see you surrounded by a woman and lots of children.”

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Christian Dating, Waiting, and Actually Following the Lord

waiting Christian dating
Proverbs 3:5-6

After watching my YouTube video, “Should a Christian Girl Pursue a Guy?” one AGW subscriber reached out for my advice about a guy she liked. After reading her question and thinking about the details she shared, I recommended that she invite this guy she liked to go out with her to do something fun and casual together. She didn’t need to profess her love, but by sending him an invitation she could let him know she was interested.

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Does God Want Me to Date Her/Him?

does God want me to date
James 1:5

When I was single the hardest part for me was all the unknowns. Some really struggle with loneliness in their singleness, others struggle because they like someone who does not like them back, but for me the struggle was more about knowing what God did or did not want me to do.

I would have been sad if he said, “Don’t date,” but I also would have been relieved if he would have said anything that clearly.

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