Christian Relationship Advice (My Top 7 Tips for Marriages and Dating Relationships)

christian relationship advice

As a Christian, one of the most important things in your life should be your relationships. God has told us to love him first and foremost. But he has told us the second most important part of our life is to love other people (Matthew 22:36-40).

Therefore, our human relationships should be ultra-important to us. Whether it is a marriage or a dating relationship, there are certain biblical principles that can help you have healthier connections with the people you love.

There are so many things that could be said when covering a huge topic like “Christian Relationship Advice.” Here are just 7 of the top Christian principles I believe can help your marriage or dating relationship.

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6 Ways to Read the Bible Better

better bible reading
BibleGatway: Psalm 119:18

If you struggle reading the Bible, you are not alone. Some people find it hard to read the Bible consistently, others find it generally hard to comprehend, and some just find a few sections of the Bible difficult to understand.

The mere fact that the Bible exists is evidence that God desires Christians to understand what has been written. Whether you are a seminary professor or a brand new Christian who just started reading the Bible, we can all improve our biblical comprehension.

So here are 6 ways to read the Bible better.

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How to Overcome Your Past

How can you overcome your past? In this video I talk about how your past often dictates your present. The passion, or lack of passion, you have for God is often controlled by what you have previously done in life.

But if you can’t change your past, what can be done? What hope is there for a better future if your past is constantly controlling your present?

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3 Ways to Hear God’s Voice (Video Series)

hearing God video series
John 10:27

How do you hear the voice of God and know his will for your life? That’s exactly what I cover in this 3 part video series.

There are at least three common ways through which God speaks: Through his word, through his Spirit, and through our circumstances. When you can combine these three, you can have more assurances you are truly hearing the voice of God.

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5 Ways to Have More Passion for God

passion for God bible
John 12:1-11

How can you have a greater passion for God? Many of us want to love God more than we do. We wish we had a stronger desire to serve him, obey him, and tell others about him. Apathy, shyness, shame, fear, and so many other roadblocks can stand in the way.

Perhaps one of the most lavish expressions of love for God took place in John 12:1-11 where Mary, Martha, and Lazarus had a dinner for Jesus. By studying this Bible passage, we can identify at least four ways to have more passion for God.

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Get Your FREE Copy of My New Book: Intertwined (But Just for Today!)

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Intertwined by Mark Ballenger

While a perfect world would be great, that’s not the solution God is offering us right now. God isn’t going to always change our life circumstances every time we feel unhappy. But he can always change our perception of our circumstances.

If you give your job, your friends, your social media account,  your spouse, your kids, your health, your boyfriend or girlfriend, your ministry, your finances, or anything else the power to make you happy . . . you also give these things the power to make you unhappy.

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