3 Signs God Is Disciplining You Now So He Can Bless You Later

Hebrews 12:11-13

Put simply, according to Hebrews 12:7-8, if you are a true Christian – then yes, God is disciplining you because he disciplines all true Christians. But there are seasons in life where God is specifically disciplining us in a more intense way and in a particular area of our life to accomplish a specific purpose.

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5 Things You Must Learn Before God Reveals The One

Genesis 24:14

I’m not saying that if you learn these 5 things then God will instantly reveal the one to you. There are plenty of real-life examples of God putting two Christians together in marriage before they learned these valuable lessons. But because they did not learn these lessons their relationship will be harder and less enjoyable than it needed to be.

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4 Reasons God Is Letting You Be So Confused About a Past Relationship

Romans 12:11-12

“What happened? Why did God let us break up? Why did God let me think this person was the one? Did I do something wrong that made this relationship fail? What was the real reason that person did not want to continue? Why is God letting me so confused about this past relationship?”

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3 Signs God Is Preparing You and a Friend to Be Something More

James 2:17

None of us know the future, so it’s not wise to try to predict what will happen. That’s not the point of this article. Rather, here we want to discuss some signs to help you recognize when something more is happening between you and a friend so you don’t miss what God is doing and so you don’t misjudge what God is not doing.

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