Here are 5 pleasant things that will happen to you when God is revealing the one.
1. You Will Connect with the Right Person at the Right Time
You certainly can meet the right person at the wrong time. Sometimes God will let two people meet before he opens their hearts to each other. But, if this person truly is the one, that means God will allow you two to get married one day. If you never marry the person you feel is the one, they are not the one.
Song of Solomon 3:5 (NIV) says, “Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” While this verse is usually used as a warning to not awaken love when the timing is not right, it should also be used as a command to awaken love when the timing is right.
As hurtful and frustrating as it can be when you like someone but the timing is just not right, it can be just as enjoyable and exciting when you start connecting with someone and it’s a great time in both of your lives for this connection to flourish and deepen.
For more on this topic, here are two related articles:
5 Things God Will Do When You Meet the Right Person at the Right Time
4 Things God Will Do When You Meet the Right Person at the Wrong Time
2. You Will Have Clarity About the Biblical Basics for Romance
I’m not saying that when you first meet your future spouse, God is going to ring heavenly church bells to let you know this person is the one. The dating process is always confusing and messy. If you knew the end before the beginning, there would be no point to date. You should just get married. Obviously this would be unwise. Through dating you need to see visible confirmation for the inner hopes you have that this person truly is the one God wants you to marry.
It’s not hard to know if a relationship is biblical. Are they a Christian (2 Corinthians 6:14)? Are they producing the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)? And are they prepared to act like a mature man or woman in the Lord (Ephesians 5:21-33)?
It’s okay to be unsure if you like this person, if they like you, and if God wants you two together. But you should not be unclear about the biblical basics. If they don’t love Jesus and you do love Jesus, they are not the one for you. Period.
When you are a committed Christian who is only willing to marry someone who also loves Jesus, it will be a very easy and pleasant experience when you meet the person God wants you to marry one day because you will know quite quickly if they have the biblical basics for a Christian relationship.
3. The Relationship Itself Will Be Mostly Easy with Some Hard Parts in It Rather Than Mostly Hard with Some Easy Parts in It
No relationship is always easy. Everything worth having takes a lot of effort to get. And once you have something you care about, you have to fiercely defend it and maintain it through intentional effort.
With that said, there is a big difference between an easy relationship and a hard relationship. The main difference is the overall emphasis. Do you mostly fight and struggle and miscommunicate, only having short periods of peace and pleasure together? Or are the storms short and you mostly have peace, love, and respect in your relationship together?
Romans 12:18 states, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” This implies there are times where peace is just not possible. When we apply this principle to romance, you have to accept when a relationship is just never going to be peaceful.
When you meet the one, the majority of your relationship should lean towards the easy side of the scale rather than the hard side.
For more on this: 4 Hard Things God Puts You Through Before an Easy Relationship Comes
4. You Will Know Your Heart Is Ready for Healthy Romance
The world around you isn’t going to get easier. If things aren’t going well for you, rarely will the solution be for the world around you to improve. Rather, since the world is never going to be easy, you have to harden, you have to improve.
When you meet the one, it’s not going to be a child’s fairytale. So the only way to thrive in a world unfit for children is to become an adult. It’s an extremely pleasant experience when you are faced with difficult circumstances and yet you are still thriving because you have matured in Christ (Ephesians 4:11-16).
5. You Will Be Loved By This Person Just as Much as You Love This Person
It’s extremely painful when you love someone who doesn’t love you back to the same degree. It can even be painful to be loved by someone who you don’t love as much as they love you, because you know this will hurt the person who loves you so much.
The beauty of a healthy Christian marriage is that two people have found each other who love o one another to the same degree. While God’s love and loving God is what we need most, to love and be loved by another person is a gift from God (Genesis 2:18).
Here’s an article where I go over 5 unpleasant things that will happen when you meet the one.