There are many different approaches to Christian dating, all of which have their pros and cons. Some people are very cautious and guarded while others are much more open and willing to date someone faster.
3 Signs God Will Allow You to Date Him/Her in the Future
One question I get a lot is, “How can I know if me and this person I really like are meant to date but just not right now in this season of life?” Another variation of this question is, “How do I know if my ex and I will ever get back together? Should I wait for them or is God telling me to fully move on?”
3 Signs God Is Telling You to Take a Risk to Reap a Reward
Contrary to popular belief, following God is not the safest way to live your life. The Bible is full of incredible stories of faithful saints who followed God even when it was risky. However, the Bible is also full of verses commanding us to be wise. As Christians, we need to find the biblical balance between wisdom and taking risks when God leads us to do so.
4 Reasons God Stops Some Relationships from Happening
Here’s 4 reasons God doesn’t allow some relationships to work out.
3 Signs God Is Trying to Tell You Something
Here are 3 signs that God is trying to tell you something.
5 Signs You Are Ready for a Serious Christian Relationship
Here are 5 things God will do in your life to let you know that your heart is ready to be in a godly Christian relationship.
4 Signs God Is Protecting You from a Bad Relationship (Part 2)
Currently my most watched video on YouTube is called 4 Signs God Is Protecting You from a Bad Relationship. In this article, I’m going to give you 4 more important signs to also look for if you sense that God is trying to protect you from getting into a bad relationship.
4 Things To Do When You Think You’ve Met The One
Here are 4 things you should do when you think you’ve met the one God wants you to marry one day.
3 Signs God Is Telling You to Stop Thinking About Someone
Here are 3 signs God is telling you that it is time to stop thinking about someone in your past.
4 Signs God Is Telling You to Give Someone a Chance
Here are 4 signs that might mean God is telling you to give someone a chance.