What does the Bible say about the spirit of Jezebel? Because the phrase “spirit of Jezebel” or “a Jezebel spirit” is not used in the Bible, people often mean different things when they use these phrases.
Spiritual Warfare
4 Ways Satan Is Trying to Unite You with a Cheater
Here are 4 common ways Satan tries to produce relationships that end in unfaithfulness.
3 Signs Satan Is Tricking You to Believe that This Person Is The One
Here are 3 signs that mean Satan is trying to deceive you and make you believe someone is the one God wants you to marry when they are actually not the one God has for you.
3 Signs Satan Is Mimicking the Voice of God
Here are 3 common ways Satan will try to mimic the voice of God to mislead you.
7 Signs Satan Is Trying to Steal Your Blessing
Satan cannot overpower God. If God wants to give you a blessing, Satan cannot stop that. But, God has allowed humans to make good and bad choices which have true consequences, and God sometimes allows Satan to tempt people. So while Satan cannot literally take your blessing by force, he can influence your behavior so you willfully block your own blessing which God wanted to give you.
5 Signs Satan Is Trying to Get You Stuck in a Bad Relationship
Here are 5 common signs that often mean Satan Is trying to get you stuck in a bad relationship.
What Does the Bible Say About Soul Ties?
The term “soul tie” is not a term that is expressly used or defined in the Bible. Because of this, there are many different ways people use this term. So before we can talk about breaking a soul tie, I first need to clarify what I personally mean when I use this phrase.
4 Signs Satan Is Trying to Steal Your Joy
Here are 4 common things that happen when Satan is trying to steal your joy.
4 Signs God Is Exposing Spiritual Warfare Set Against Your Future Marriage
Here are 4 signs God is pointing out areas in your life that Satan is attacking in order to corrupt or even prevent your future marriage.
How Can You Know if It’s God or Satan?
Satan is not God’s opposite. God is sovereign in every way and is in complete control over everything, including Satan. Anything Satan does, God allows. God is eternal; Satan is a created being and will be thrown into the lake of fire for eternity at the appointed time (Revelations 20:10).