What Does the Trinity Teach Us About Relationships?

Philippians 2:1-11

What does the Trinity teach us about human relationships? This is profound question to ask for a variety of reasons. One, the Trinity is one of, if not the, most crucial doctrine to understand when you want to know who God is. Since man was made in the image of God, if we want to bear God’s image properly we must accurately know who God is. Thus we must know about the Trinity if we want to reflect God.

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How Does God Speak to Us Through Our Circumstances?

how to know Gods will for your life
Matthew 10:11-14

God speaks to us in at least three primary ways: Through his word, through the Holy Spirit, and through our life circumstances.  Most Christians know at least a little about hearing the voice of God by studying the Bible and by listening to the Holy Spirit in prayer. The circumstances of our lives, however, is often a way God speaks that many Christians do not know as much about.

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How to Stop Wondering If Every New Christian Single You Meet Will Be Your Future Spouse

the one
Colossians 3:2

How can you stop wondering if every new Christian single you meet will be your future spouse? It’s very common for Christian singles who want to be married to instantly “size up” each new person they meet that seems datable. Most Christian singles, however, wish they did not always do this when they meet someone new.

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Christian Relationship Advice: 5 Ways to Ruin a Relationship

ruin relationship
Ephesians 4:31

Every Christian single who gets into a new relationship wants it to work. If you didn’t want it to work, you would not have started dating in the first place. Obviously, however, more Christian dating relationships fail than do succeed.

Sometimes this is just because it was a bad fit, the two realized they didn’t want to be together, or it just wasn’t meant to be. Sometimes, however, there are simply mistakes made in a relationship that cause problems or even breakups.

Here are 5 common ways that people often ruin their relationships.

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