In this Psalm 51 sermon, you will learn how David repented after his adultery with Bathsheba and his murder of her husband. Here are 5 steps you can take if you want to be free after failure.
Christian Relationship Advice: 5 Ways to Ruin a Relationship

Every Christian single who gets into a new relationship wants it to work. If you didn’t want it to work, you would not have started dating in the first place. Obviously, however, more Christian dating relationships fail than do succeed.
Sometimes this is just because it was a bad fit, the two realized they didn’t want to be together, or it just wasn’t meant to be. Sometimes, however, there are simply mistakes made in a relationship that cause problems or even breakups.
Here are 5 common ways that people often ruin their relationships.
Biblical Singleness: 5 Gifts of Being Single According to the Bible
How to Keep Loving Even When You Are Offended
Would God Ever Call You to Marry Someone You Don’t Like?

Will God tell you who to marry? And if so, is it possible that God would tell you to marry someone you don’t like that much? Could God call you to marry someone you are not attracted to?
Here are three reasons I don’t believe God would call you to marry someone you do not want to marry.
How Does Your Parent’s Divorce Affect Your Future Relationship?
How Can a Christian Overcome Depression?
How to Be Content in Singleness

How can you be content in singleness? If you are struggling with singleness, what is a biblical view to be more satisfied as you are waiting on the Lord? When it comes to Christian advice for singles, often times people are quick to start preaching down at those struggling in this season and offering them tips on how to be more content. That’s is not my aim here.