What is the best Christian dating advice for someone who wants to be married? What Christian dating approach will work the best for Christian singles who desire to meet a godly spouse?
What should you do when you begin to like someone that you know you should not like? How can you guard your heart from having feelings for someone you know is not good for you?
Here are 3 tips on how to guard your heart when you like someone you know you should not like.
If you are a Christian single woman who wants a healthy marriage one day, what do you need to know about men? What will make your husband’s heart tick? What will he find offensive? What will he need from you?
Obviously every man is different, but here are 6 things I believe every Christian girl needs to know about men before getting married to her husband.
How will God fulfill the promises he has made to you? While it is absolutely biblical that God will fulfill his promises to you through his power and through your faith in him, what is often overlooked is that God will also fulfill his promises to you in very practical ways as well.
There are countless reasons Christians remain single even when they wish they were married. They usually fall somewhere in between “It’s just not in God’s plan right now” and “You are doing something wrong that is keeping you single.”
Relevant Magazine Article: Can You Really Be Friends After the Breakup?