Many of the things we do in relationships are actually done without any thought. We have feelings, responses, and actions that become habits in how we interact with the opposite sex.
We need to define our terms before we can really dive into this content. From the research I’ve done, there doesn’t seem to be a consistent definition for the term “kingdom spouse” or “kingdom marriage.” So when I use these phrases, I’m not talking about soul mates, twin flames, or anything else like that.
What does the Bible say about being disappointed with God?
As Christians, it’s okay to be disappointed with circumstances. We can even be disappointed with things that God allows. But we should never be disappointed with God himself because then we are saying our will is better than God’s will.
By the term “easy relationship,” I’m not talking about a perfect relationship that never has any issues and never has any hard moments. But having hard moments and difficult seasons in a relationship is different than having an overall “hard relationship” that is mostly difficult with just short seasons of peace now and then.