4 Tips If You Feel Sad After Another Friend Gets Married While You Are Still Single

jealous sister is getting married
1 Peter 5:7

When you see another engagement announcement on social media, how does it make you feel? What should you do when another friend asks you to be in their wedding but inside you are grieving that you are still single? How should you respond when many of your friends are beginning to have babies while you have not even gotten married yet?

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4 Ways to Stop Worrying About the Future

what does the bible say about worry
Matthew 6:25

What does the Bible say about worry, specifically when it comes to worrying about the future? How can a Christian overcome anxiety according to the Bible? And what should you do if you fear the future?

The best way to overcome worry of any kind is to increase your faith in God. However, that can be rather vague advice. So what actions steps should someone take when they are attempting to increase their trust in God to overcome worry?

Here are 4 ways to stop worrying about the future.

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