AGW University 2020 + New Course Details

If you are Christian single person who wants to glorify God in marriage one day, I wanted to let you know about a unique resource I’ve created specifically for you. AGW University is where I offer in-depth biblical training for Christian singles who want to go to the next level in their walk with God, specifically when it comes to honoring the Lord in the area of relationships.

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How a Christian Man Shows His Interest Vs. How a Christian Woman Shows Her Interest

Song of Solomon 1:2-4

Whenever you are talking about men and women as a whole, there will certainly be generalizations that are not true of everyone. However, it’s also safe to say that there are typically some trends and normal behavior that differ between Christian men and Christian women when it comes to showing interest in someone that they like.

So in the first part of this article, we will discuss 3 classic ways a Christian man will show that he likes a certain woman, and in the second part of this article we will discuss 3 classic ways a Christian woman often shows her interest in the man that she likes.

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