How Should a Christian Guy Ask a Girl Out?

how to ask a Christian girl out date
Ephesians 4:29

How should a Christian guy ask a girl out? Should he talk to her father? Should he talk to her mother? Does a Christian guy need to talk to the pastor before asking a girl out? Should a Christian guy ask a girl out only when he is prepared to tell her he wants to marry her? Or should a Christian guy take a more relaxed approach and just have some fun and just see where things lead or don’t lead?

In this article I will give Christian guys 4 tips on how they can approach this question about asking a girl out.

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Can Sexual Purity Be an Idol?

sexual purity church
1 Corinthians 1:30

There’s an assault on the church’s sexual purity. We are surrounded on all sides by a culture that glorifies external beauty, quick pleasure, and porn. So it’s no surprise to see the satanic claws of sexual immorality trying to squeeze the life out of Christians. Affairs, premarital sex, and the deadly glow of a smart phone late at night in the hands of a young boy with no accountability – these are the glaring sexual idols of our day.

But idolatry loves to swing from one extreme to the other.

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