3 Steps to Take When You Like Someone

what should a Christian girl do if she likes someone
Philippians 4:6-7

If you are a Christian single girl or guy, what should you do when you like someone? What are some good Christian dating tips when you just start having feelings for someone but nothing more has happened? Should you immediately tell this person that you like him or her? Should you just wait and pray for God to reveal his plan while you do nothing?

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The One: How to Know and Trust God’s Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage

Click here for the paperback or eBook on Amazon

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How to Interpret Dreams and “Prophesies” About Dating and Your Future Marriage

interpreting dreams
1 Corinthians 14:33

Lately many people have been asking about interpreting dreams from God, specifically when it comes to dreams about dating and their future marriage. Another common question that has been coming in lately is about prophesy. For example, someone “prophesied over” over a guy and told him something specific that they “saw” in his future like, “I see you surrounded by a woman and lots of children.”

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Redeemed Like David: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation (Paperback)

Click here to purchase Redeemed Like David: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation .

Official Book Description: Do you desire to overcome all forms of sexual temptation? Do you value the power of God’s Word? Redeemed Like David offers a Christ-centered blueprint for overcoming all forms of sexual sin.

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Luke 18:1-8 Bible Study

Looking for a free Bible study on Luke 18:1-8? Want videos and questions too?

Never Quit is a free Bible study on Luke 18:1-8 and has 2 in-depth videos with questions as well. This free eBook is broken up into 5 easy to read chapters. Just click the book title and instantly start enjoying this free Bible study on Luke 18:1-8.

Luke 18 1-8

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How to Pray With Power (James 5:13-20 Sermon)

how to pray with power
James 5:13-20

A sermon on James 5:13-20 can take many forms. Today, I would like to view James 5:13-20 through the lens of “How to pray with power.”

There is so much I will not be able to cover in this sermon because James 5:13-20 is just so rich. But by going verse by verse through this Bible passage, I believe we can point to at least 3 ways to have more power in prayer.

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3 Ways to Hear God’s Voice (Video Series)

hearing God video series
John 10:27

How do you hear the voice of God and know his will for your life? That’s exactly what I cover in this 3 part video series.

There are at least three common ways through which God speaks: Through his word, through his Spirit, and through our circumstances. When you can combine these three, you can have more assurances you are truly hearing the voice of God.

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