3 Reasons God Is Letting You Go Through an Impossible Situation

God didn’t take the thorn away, but God did show Paul that his grace is always sufficient. So one reason God may be allowing you to go through something impossible is to show you the same thing.

When I use the phrase “an impossible situation,” I’m referring to those challenges in life that seem too hard for us to get through. Perhaps you have been given terrible news from the doctor, perhaps you are dealing with a really toxic work environment, or perhaps you have been single for so long you have begun to believe it is impossible to actually meet any single Christians who actually want to please the Lord like you do.

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4 Signs Satan Is Trying to Spoil a Blessing in Your Life

1 Timothy 6:6-9

Certainly the devil’s first desire is to block a blessing from coming into our lives at all, but if we receive a blessing despite his attempts to stop us, his next desire is to then ruin that blessing so we cannot enjoy it and use it for God’s glory.

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4 Reasons God Let You Get Hurt in a Past Relationship

Romans 8:27-29

Sometimes we get hurt in relationships simply because another person sinned against us or perhaps we made a bad choice ourselves. So this article is not about blaming God. Other people’s choices and our own choices have consequences. With that said, certainly God also has larger reasons at times for why he let us experience something painful.

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