I recently asked a question to the AGW subscribers, “What’s the most challenging part of Christian singleness for you?” The responses that came in were overwhelming. People really shared their heart and talked about how hard the season of Christian singleness can be for them.
What does the Bible say about losing weight? What does the Bible say about honoring God with your body? What are some Christian tips on weight loss and getting in shape? What is a biblical perspective on working out?
In this article, I’m going to give you 3 Christian tips that will help you lose weight in shape.
How long should a Christian date before getting married? What is enough time in Christian courting before marriage occurs? Is 6 months too soon to get married? Is 3 years too long to wait to get married? What does the Bible say about how long dating should occur before marriage?
Questions like these are extremely subjective. Much like most dating questions, there is not a definitive answer found in the Bible. The best approach, therefore, is to apply relevant biblical truth to this question, “How long should a Christian date before getting married?”
Discernment is the ability to decipher what is true and false, what is good or bad, or what is helpful or not helpful. People who have discernment are those who seem to have a knack for quickly identifying the “heart of the problem.”
There are essentially two ways to learn important life lessons about relationships. You can learn through observation and you can learn through experience. Sadly, when it comes to the warning signs we should head in relationships, we often choose to only learn through our personal experiences.
What type of woman should a Christian man look for? What are the qualities of a woman who will struggle to be a loving wife in a Christian marriage? What are some red flags a Christian man should look for as he dates and pursues marriage?
The phrase “guard your heart” is often misunderstood in the Bible. So what does “guard your heart” actually mean?
The key Bible verse on guarding your heart is Proverbs 4:23 (NIV), “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” This is what we must do. But to accomplish this clear command to guard our hearts, we must first place Proverbs 4:23 in context.
If you are a Christian single who is actively dating or pursuing a relationship, odds are you have experienced some level of rejection. Everyone who opens themselves up to start a relationship is also opening themselves to rejection.
When two friends like the same guy or girl, it can make things very complicated. So what should you do if you and your friend have feelings for the same person?