How can you avoid being misled by an unhealthy YouTuber, pastor, or leader? Here are 7 things to watch out for.
In this article, I’m going to talk about 5 books that God used to change my life. I’m not saying that these books will change your life; for a book to change your life, you have to be in a certain season of life with certain needs that match the topic of that book. I also won’t be listing these books by importance but rather by the order in which I read them.
A “narcissistic personality disorder” is a term used in psychology to identify a particular mental health condition that is marked by symptoms such as an overblown sense of one’s own importance, an extreme need for continual praise by others, and a lack of the ability to empathize with others.1
I’m posting this video on Christmas Eve, so I thought it only right to focus on Jesus’ incarnation. But I also know many of you read these articles for biblical relationship advice. So in this article I want to apply the doctrine of the incarnation to how it affects a Christian’s ability to have a godly relationship.